The end of all learning is to know God, and out of that knowledge to love and imitate Him.
Collaboration is no longer painful - or precious.
When I was 20, I thought anyone in the music business over 25 is past it. Then at 30, you think anyone still doing it at 35 is ridiculous. Suddenly, you find yourself at 48 and still doing it, so I don't know what to say, really.
You did it privately, not like now. Then you realise it's becoming your life and there are more important things. You can't sustain it. We had our dark times on drugs. We were down and paranoid.
I'm actually doing a show. from my shed. on the internet. but it won't be music or anything, it's more to do with drinking and smoking. it's an art piece.
I went on iTunes and looked at versions of Christmas songs. Everyone has done them!
That's where my influences lie, in the blues with people like Muddy Waters and Tina Turner. At first I didn't really like the idea of working with synthesizers but now I think they're fun, there are no restrictions. Not that I understand how they work.
I feel very old wave these days. I'm old and wavering.