Rick is the leader and I don't have a problem with that.
You have to raise your game, you have to be ready to compete, and you've just got to give Hakeem credit. He was great. He really was great.
I often write songs, and when I do, I usually write quite a few of them. I really have to be in the mood.
Believe it or not, the Navy requires plebes to actually be able to swim.
I played for a long time, and there's not many guys I would say, 'O.K., take any shot you want.'
Most proud moment: Winning the championship in 2003 with a great team, retiring, and going out in the perfect way. Had a great journey and knowing it was the right time to focus more on family and community activities.
Your peers will respect you for your integrity and character, not your possessions.
People sometimes say that bands sound like The Cars, but when I hear it I don't know if they do or not.
My dad was in the Navy, and I was raised with a strong commitment to service.
A lot of these teams really forget that part of success comes with having veteran leadership. You see a lot of teams forget that and start letting go of these old veterans. They don't realize how important it is to have a veteran voice in your locker room or on the bench. It's important to have guys who have been there before.
When you get on the floor, you've got to think you're the best player. Everybody does that.
It's the playoffs. There's no room for okay.
My fouls used to be ticky-tacky, but I learned real fast to make them count.
We went through a nice stretch of big guys. But soon, everyone is going to realize that there's only one Steph Curry.
I've always been a fan of poetry. I grew up with Lawrence Ferlinghetti and the Beat poets. I really followed that stuff for a while. I just love the way people threw words around like they were painting.
The creative part for me is making songs, and that's what I really love the most, and that's what I've always done for every band I've ever had.
Just being raised in a home where my mother, from as early as I can remember, always taught me to be thinking about other people first, basically that our service was going to be the measure of our success.
I was always curious. I wanted to learn a little about a lot of things, and I really had to get pushed to achieve.
People tell me all the time that I look forbidding or aloof. That doesn't bother me much - I am fairly private, withdrawn, and... distant, I guess. But, um, I think that's okay.
All this stuff doesn't happen to you for your own sake. It doesn't happen to you so you can fill your shelves with trophies or line your pockets with cash; it happens so you can have a positive influence and encourage other people.
I hope the young guys who are playing today realize what they have been given and will take it upon themselves to give back in return.
USNA had a great engineering school, which was one of my interests, and I knew I would benefit from the great discipline and accountability that Navy provides.
I've been in a band, so I understand the politics. Sometimes the bass player doesn't like what the guitar player is doing, and you have to sort of even that out.
I could never be a country person, sitting around trees trying to write a song. I would rather be in the middle of society, whether it's growing or crumbling.