Shaq was a great physical specimen. I mean, 7 foot, 350 pounds. There wasn't anybody like him.
David Robinson The Cars -
I want you to think about your grandfather's integrity and grit when you're staring at the ceiling of your barracks room, but I also want you to think a little deeper.
David Robinson The Cars
I don't think I'm an entertainer. I never think, 'Wow, I can't wait to get the crowd moving.' Some of my favorite bands never moved an inch.
Ric Ocasek The Cars -
The most important thing to a lot of people, is to belong to something that's hip or whatever. To be a part of something that's not society, just a clique.
Ric Ocasek The Cars -
It takes time; you look at what happened with LeBron, Wade, and Bosh. It took them a year or two to get their legs underneath them and figure things out, and even then, that run was relatively short.
David Robinson The Cars -
The individual stats, that stuff is fun, but it doesn't last. Somebody else is gonna come along and break your records. But the memories that you take are forever.
David Robinson The Cars -
Keep working and saving and striving for a better future for your children, and for their children, even if you won't be around to see it pay off.
David Robinson The Cars -
Sometimes I feel like hitting somebody. You look at the refs and they say, 'We'll take care of it.' I think, 'Yeah? You won't take care of it the way I'd like to take care of it.'
David Robinson The Cars
Largely in the beginning, I did a lot of extra work because I was lighter than all the other guys. I was at a massive disadvantage, so I had to put on weight. I started with eating. I had to really focus on my diet.
David Robinson The Cars -
Preparation is everything.
David Robinson The Cars -
Your grandfather is and will always be your hero, your inspiration. He fought in World War II, came home to Little Rock, Arkansas, and worked for 50 years as a mailman in the segregated south. Not once did he get a job promotion in five decades. But he kept working all the same.
David Robinson The Cars -
It's tragic that there are so few farmer-direct coffees in Africa, but it's very tough.
David Robinson The Cars -
When you get that signing bonus, don't start thinking about all the things you can do with $1 million.
David Robinson The Cars -
I have the unique distinction of being on the only Olympic team to lose without controversy, and the only Pan Am Games team to lose without controversy.
David Robinson The Cars
Secrecy is the enemy of efficiency, but don't let anyone know it.
Ric Ocasek The Cars -
Michael, to me, he was an assassin. He was one of those guys that prepared himself extremely well and was relentless in his attacking. And there are a few guys who have that mentality. I think Kobe Bryant has that type of mentality, and LeBron has that type of mentality.
David Robinson The Cars -
A well-rounded education has always been an issue close to my heart.
David Robinson The Cars -
It's an interesting juxtaposition, being student body president and leading others and learning how to effectively help people on the team in a way that's not as direct.
David Robinson The Cars -
In some ways, you have to fail some. You have to figure that stuff out, because if I didn't have an Hakeem Olajuwon, would I have been able to achieve the heights that I did achieve? I don't think so. He pushed me, and I pushed him.
David Robinson The Cars -
I think everything works in cycles. I was fortunate enough to come along in the golden age for big men. There were guys like Hakeem Olajuwon and Patrick Ewing.
David Robinson The Cars
Obviously, I'm not working out the way I was when I was playing. I do yoga. I swim a lot. I'm drinking a lot of good, healthy mixes. I got myself a Vitamix.
David Robinson The Cars -
My dad was enlisted in the Navy; my mother was a nurse. It just was never a thought process. It was just go to the best school you can go to, do the best you possibly can do, and be the best person you can possibly be, and I think our faith had a lot to do with that.
David Robinson The Cars -
Coming in, I had no idea basketball would be a career for me, but I grew 7 inches in college and was fortunate to have a great career in the NBA. The experience taught me about service, what our great country was built on, the sacrifices people have made, how to work together and trust the people around you to accomplish a great goal.
David Robinson The Cars -
Tanzania sells about 50 million pounds of coffee a year to coffee-shop chains such as Starbucks and Peet's. But Sweet Unity is the only finished, branded product from the East African country to be sold directly in the U.S.
David Robinson The Cars