If your world doesn't allow you to dream, move to one where you can.
William Broad Generation X -
I rocked the cradle of love.
William Broad Generation X
There was a time when my whole life was in chaos, really, and I didn't help myself sort it out. But one day I came to my senses, and I think I was lucky because a lot of people don't.
William Broad Generation X -
I am quite a romantic person, really, and I should have put that into my music earlier, but I was probably denying it... I didn't want to be soft because I felt I had to be so hard to get people to believe in me.
William Broad Generation X -
My hair used to be real long, and my parents were encouraged when I cut it. They thought I was going 'straight,' but I was just getting weirder - at least in their eyes. I was getting into the punk thing.
William Broad Generation X -
Rock isn't art, it's the way ordinary people talk.
William Broad Generation X -
I love it when someone insults me. That means that I don't have to be nice anymore.
William Broad Generation X -
I'm not talking with an American accent. I haven't gone off and become Sammy Hagar.
William Broad Generation X
It's like, what happened, I was always leading fashion, and then the grunge thing kind of came along. And because I've been so on top in the '80s you know, I, you know, what can I do? Suddenly go grunge?
William Broad Generation X -
I don't care what stage or what reason, as long as we're playing.
William Broad Generation X -
My dad was one of the reasons I got into rock and roll, because I was learning the ropes of his business, which was selling powertools, and I was looking for a way out from under his heel. I was like, 'Where's the fun? Where's the glamour?'
William Broad Generation X -
I don't think punk ever really dies, because punk rock attitude can never die.
William Broad Generation X -
Part of the punk attitude was that you should project your music through your whole body... show your personality as much as possible.
William Broad Generation X -
I'm really a singer, so I love songs and I love singing. I like rap music, but I didn't grow up freestyling.
William Broad Generation X
They wouldn't play my records on American radio because I had spiky hair. They said, 'Punk rock doesn't sell advertising, it won't make any money.'
William Broad Generation X -
I'm not trying to hide from my past. I want to roll in it. Like a dog, rolling in feces, I'm rolling in the feces of my greatest hits - that's a bit of a wild way of looking at it, but I am a man, and we do like rolling in our own feces at times.
William Broad Generation X -
It doesn't matter about money; having it, not having it. Or having clothes, or not having them. You're still left alone with yourself in the end.
William Broad Generation X -
When I started out, everyone seemed to be adopting these names... Johnny Rotten, Sid Vicious. I wasn't really Rotten or Vicious or Nasty, so I wanted something a bit more funny - yet something that seemed real rock 'n' roll... something that acknowledged my ambition.
William Broad Generation X -
I think love's exciting and happy, as well as being able to make you sad.
William Broad Generation X -
The world goes on, you go on and you change. You want to show the fans those changes, and you want to be able to verbalize them.
William Broad Generation X
The biggest misconception people have about me is that I'm stupid.
William Broad Generation X -
What we're doing with this vote is saying that we've put together a terrific budget and challenged the status quo. We're actually doing the same with less and adding on to that with rebuilding.
Tony James Generation X -
I’m really proud of my solo album but I don’t feel like I’m a natural singer. I wasn’t born with a great voice. You can learn to sing in tune, but you can’t learn to have a great voice. That’s a gift you’re born with.
James Stevenson -
You have to be able to get on with people. I know this sounds weird but you have to know how to be in a band. Some people, they can’t work with other people. It just doesn’t work. I think I’m quite easy to get on with. I’m very adaptable.
James Stevenson