That's actually about my dad's ex-wife believe it or not!. Actually a lot of the stuff that's in that song actually happened, like my laundry being thrown out, and stuff like that. So that was inspired by my dad's ex-wife.
Chris Barron Spin Doctors -
The Ninth Amendment makes it clear that all the rights spelled out in the Constitution aren't the end of rights as we know them. It makes it clear that there are rights reserved to people that aren't spelled out in the Constitution.
Chris Barron Spin Doctors
Tone on jazz guitars is a real tough issue.
Mark White Spin Doctors -
Today the United States House has courageously stood up for basic fairness for LGBT Americans. T his is a tremendous day for our entire LGBT community.
Chris Barron Spin Doctors -
We are in a wait-and-see mode right now.
Chris Barron Spin Doctors -
The combination of experience and experimentation will ultimately yield a personal sound.
Mark White Spin Doctors -
After a couple years of occasional lessons with Pass I moved to Boston to attend the New England Conservatory.
Mark White Spin Doctors -
I agree totally with Metheny regarding the sound influencing the way you play.
Mark White Spin Doctors
I was exposed to jazz early on.
Mark White Spin Doctors -
And the Court's decision in this was that there was a zone of privacy that was created around the marriage relationship, and that zone of privacy came out of a number of different places in the Constitution.
Chris Barron Spin Doctors -
Still others want a traditional guitar sound if they call you for guitar.
Mark White Spin Doctors -
We're not looking for some sort of group hug from the party.
Chris Barron Spin Doctors -
There is a brewing battle in the GOP for the future of this party.
Chris Barron Spin Doctors