I feel like there's a lot of beauty in the darkness of Narrow Stairs, but that's not really a place I'm ready to go to for a while. I'm interested in taking a different approach and having the next record be different in tone - I'm just not interested in making another dark, dark album.
I don’t spend my time perusing message boards to find out what people think about me or if people think my songs are good or if people love that lyric or this or that. I just want to be happy with it myself - and if other people like it, that’s great.
If there's no one beside you When your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark
It wasn't quite what is seemed: a lack of pleasantries (My able body isn't what it used to be) I must admit I was charmed by your advances Your advantage left me helplessly into you
Liking interesting things doesn’t make you interesting.
As the flashbulbs burst she holds a smile Like someone would hold a crying child Soon everybody will ask what became of you Your heart was dying fast and you didn't know what to do.
Our Youth is fleeting Old age is just around the bend And I can't wait to go grey And I'll sit and wonder Of every love that could have been If I'd only thought of something charming to say
And tiny vessels oozed into your neck And formed the bruises That you said you didn't want to fade But they did and so did I that day
A lot of the material is about the inevitable disappointment people feel as they move through life, and things don’t feel the way they expect. No experience will ever match up to the idealized version in your mind.
I wish the world was flat like the old days Then i could travel just by folding a map No more airplanes, or speed trains, or freeways There'd be no distance that could hold us back
And it's strange They are basically the same So i don't ask names anymore
It’s amazing to have people singing a song back to you on a stage. It’s great to finish recording a song and play it for your friend, and they love it. That feels good. But nothing feels better than when you’ve finished something and you know it’s good, and you know that those other responses will come in time.
I once knew a girl In the years of my youth With eyes like the summer All beauty and truth In the morning I fled Left a note and it read Someday you will be loved.
I am waiting for something to go wrong I am waiting for familiar resolve
Some fans get genuinely upset if I admit that a song that they held close to their heart was not based on actual events in my life. Like 'What Sarah Said': I was never in a waiting room in a hospital waiting for news that somebody was going to die.
It seems that you live in someone else's dream In a hand-me-down wedding dress With the things that could have been are repressed But you said your vows and you closed the door On so many men who would have loved you more
How I wish you could see the potential The potential of you and me It's like a book elegantly bound, but In a language that you can't read just yet You got to spend some time, love You got to spend some time with me And I know that you'll find love I will possess your heart
You'll be loved you'll be loved Like you never have known The memories of me Will seem more like bad dreams Just a series of blurs Like I never occurred Someday you will be loved
If you tell certain people that you like Kerouac, they assume that’s all you read, like you don’t know anything else about literature. I recognize all the things that people dislike about the way he writes - his tone and the sentimentality of it all. But those books were there for me at a very important point in my life.
You touch her skin And then you think That she is beautiful But she don't mean a thing to me
I decided a handful of years ago that I just want to write songs that you can understand as soon as you put the record on. There’s no need to veil what’s happening in the song the way I used to. My goal as a songwriter now is to simply write some memorable turns of phrase.