When you pay your money to see me, I want you to have the best concert you can have from me.
I don't regret any decisions I've made in my life.
Believe me when I say this: you can't please everyone in concert, even though I still want to. Someone always wants you to sing a song that isn't necessarily on your set list.
I had some great mentors as I was coming up and starting to sing so early - I've been singing since I was four. I had people telling me how to preserve myself.
I'm comfortable singing jazz. The only thing I was concerned about is that everybody, even in jazz, has their own style. To me, the queen of doodling was Ella Fitzgerald, and scatting is something I never thought I could do.
I had some great mentors as I was coming up and starting to sing so early - I've been singing since I was four.
Would you believe that Sammy Davis, Jr. taught me how to sing a ballad? 'You can be in an arena,' he said, 'and you should be able to hold their attention.'
Soul is just that inner spirit. I use that inner spirit for whatever it is I do.
Well, I never danced with the 'Pips' - they didn't let me dance!
God is gracious enough to let us know, in due time while we're here and the fact that I'm still around and I'm still singing, it is really to his glory.
I'm a people lover. I love interacting with different people as I meet them, and I think people are one of God's greatest creations, I really do. They're interesting and intriguing.
I always kind of thought I want to be a good person, I want to be right to my fellow men and love them like we're supposed to.
I know how hard it is to send two kids to college when you ain't got nothing. I know people may not think of me in that way, but this business gives you ups and downs.
We all have a responsibility, and since I've been so wonderfully blessed, I really want to share and to make life at least a little better. So every chance I get to share the gospel or uplift people, I will take full advantage of that opportunity.
Most people who ask me what's my favorite song, expect that it's 'Midnight Train' or 'Neither One of Us.' But actually, it's always kinda been 'The Need to Be' because of what it says. I love the way that song was written, I love the melody, I love everything about it.