Underground dance music - in the nicest way possible - it's amateur.
“I never try to please others when I make music; There is only one person who has to like what comes out of those speakers and that person is myself!”
The reason why techno girls are so much more fit than R&B girls is because they have to dance twice as fast!”
“I just make music. — The music I make, I make for myself,” he continued, “I’m the number one guy for me to please.” He is not one to force a track into a specific genre and would never create a record with the intentions of critical reception. “Sometimes 10 million people love what I do, sometimes 500 do… I have massive hits with some tracks, and some other tracks have stayed in the underground.”
In the beginning, there was house. In the end, there was house, and in the middle, there is Axwell.
Turn off your brain and turn on your heart.
If we want money we’ll go to Las Vegas, if we want an after party we’ll go to Miami but if we want to play for love, we still come to India!
When i play in Las Vegas I play for money, when I play in Miami I play for holidays but when I play in India I play for Love.
What I regret most in my life is that I did not get educated.
You’re supposed to create music that motivates people, inspires people and says something. The music I grew up on, whether it was hip-hop or punk, everything used to be a revolution. It was a form of speech where you would express yourself culturally and it could be so strong.
I have made a difficult journey and now I know all the risks I do not want anyone to follow my own path.
If I had not discovered the music, I would probably have been in prison today, if I had lived until now. At the same time, if I had not gone to school, I would not have discovered the music.