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When I heard Nirvana, it changed my life.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
Novelty always sparks ideas.
Benji Madden Good Charlotte
I like getting toilet paper thrown at me.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
I'm kinda disapointed that Canada isn't like the South Park movie said it was.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
When we were 15, my brother and I were getting really into Nirvana, Green Day, and The Beastie Boys. We started going to shows and realized we really wanted to be on stage.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
I've done a lot of self-improvement. I'm always working on being a better person.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
I was just in the middle of singing a song about how broke we were and now my cell phone rings.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
You've got to think, when we started our band, none of us had a computer until we were 21.
Benji Madden Good Charlotte
There's nothing greater in the world than when somebody on the team does something good, and everybody gathers around to pat him on the back.
Billy Martin Good Charlotte -
We're all music fans and we just love being in a band, and that's why we do it.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
I don't want to see anyone leaving single tonight. I want everyone to leave impregnated.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
So I wanna see all of you making out during this song.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
To keep the five guys who hate you away from the other five guys who are undecided.
Billy Martin Good Charlotte -
The way that you parent, you ease into every stage.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte
I have a zombie apocalypse kit at my house. I've got freeze dried food, I've got a real deal medical kit, like, a doctor could perform a surgery with this medical kit. I got all kinds of everything.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
All we can do is just think about what we can put into the world - not really kind of what we can get out of it.
Benji Madden Good Charlotte -
Just stay true to yourself and true to wut you believe.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
It's always a bit much, being in a band with your brother. We fight all the time, but it's kind of comical.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
That's just the music industry. They always want you to write something like the one that was popular.
Benji Madden Good Charlotte -
I'm kind of crazy with karma. I really believe that everything you do revisits you, so, I'm really adamant about the kids seeing the grandparents, so like, I can see my grandkids, you know what I mean?
Joel Madden Good Charlotte
Don't worry mom . I am still a virgin.
Benji Madden Good Charlotte -
My kids are so cute when they pray.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte -
All the best songs are, I think, the easiest write because they just come out.
Benji Madden Good Charlotte -
Every girl I've ever dated I have respect for, and I always try to leave them in good terms.
Joel Madden Good Charlotte