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The Internet amplifies power in all respects. It can grossly exaggerate the power of the individual.
John Perry Barlow Grateful Dead -
Our identities have no bodies, so, unlike you, we cannot obtain order by physical coercion. We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonweal, our governance will emerge.
John Perry Barlow Grateful Dead
Most libertarians are worried about government but not worried about business. I think we need to be worrying about business in exactly the same way we are worrying about government.
John Perry Barlow Grateful Dead -
It's better to wear seaweed socks than stick a melon in your brother's ear.
Robert Hunter Grateful Dead -
So it's one of those things where we have to - our problem is pacing ourselves and still reaching a large enough number of our audience. Because we don't want to burn the audience. And we don't want to be excluding anybody.
Jerry Garcia Grateful Dead -
Hunter can write a melody and stuff like that, but his forte is lyrics. He can write a serviceable melody to hang his lyrics on, and sometimes he comes up with something really nice.
Jerry Garcia Grateful Dead -
The rule is not written anywhere, it's not etched in any - but, I mean, that's the prevailing attitude of this entire society. Don't have an adventure.
Bob Weir Grateful Dead -
I think the 'counterculture' believes that there are ways to manage being the world's most powerful country that involve creation of consensus - ruling by virtuous example rather than by force of arms.
John Perry Barlow Grateful Dead
So we are pretty convinced we don't want to play huge stadiums unless we can play them well.
Jerry Garcia Grateful Dead -
The storyteller makes no choice, soon you will not hear his voice, his job is to shed light, and not to master
Robert Hunter Grateful Dead -
But I would rather be with you, somewhere in San Francisco on a back porch in July, just looking up to Heaven, at this crescent in the sky
Robert Hunter Grateful Dead -
And as far as I'm concerned, it's like I say, drugs are not the problem. Other stuff is the problem.
Jerry Garcia Grateful Dead -
The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it.
John Perry Barlow Grateful Dead -
The government targets 'Anonymous' for the same reason it targets al-Qaida - because they're the enemy.
John Perry Barlow Grateful Dead
The stockbrokers, their hair isn't long and full of leaves and stuff like that, so they don't catch your eye. They're wearing the tie-dye, so they don't stick out, but you don't see them. The ones you see are the ones with the leaves in their hair, the matted hair and all that kind of stuff.
Bob Weir Grateful Dead -
At the top of the cycle you write policies for everybody, no matter how bad, and at the bottom you cancel everybody, no matter how good. It's a manic-depressive cycle.
Robert Hunter Grateful Dead -
We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.
John Perry Barlow Grateful Dead -
Sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn't.
Bob Weir Grateful Dead -
It didn't matter what we did or where we did it as long as we were together. We knew we'd found what most people either pursue in years of futile search or dismiss as a fantasy at the outset: the missing half of ourselves. The real thing.
John Perry Barlow Grateful Dead -
I personally think intellectual property is an oxymoron. Physical objects have a completely different natural economy than intellectual goods. It's a tricky thing to try to own something that remains in your possession even after you give it to many others.
John Perry Barlow Grateful Dead
The Grateful Dead played for three hours on a given night, plus sound check.
Bob Weir Grateful Dead -
I mean, just because you're a musician doesn't mean all your ideas are about music. So every once in a while I get an idea about plumbing, I get an idea about city government, and they come the way they come.
Jerry Garcia Grateful Dead -
The stratosphere is my church.
John Perry Barlow Grateful Dead -
Crippled but free, I was blind all the time I was learning to see.
Robert Hunter Grateful Dead