Quotes of the day, January 19

  • There can be no progress on climate change without strong and aggressive leadership from the White House. While we have been frustrated that it took until now, we find that the President’s plan contains plenty of smart proposals and pathways for action. Stonyfield stands firmly behind the President's vision.
    Gary Hirshberg
    Gary Hirshberg
  • August 4

  • Cheerfulness is the daughter of employment; and I have known a man come home in high spirits from a funeral, merely because he has had the management of it.
    William Cornelius Van Horne
    William Cornelius Van Horne
  • August 3

  • That's why we like to make things pretty; it's just'cause we're so dang sick of cleaning up horrible messes.
    Elizabeth Wein
    Elizabeth Wein
  • August 2

  • Life's a bitch, and so am I. So get used to it.
    Ben Gillies
    Ben Gillies
  • August 1

  • I love my real mom and dad; I love them both equally.
    Imogen Poots
    Imogen Poots
  • July 31

  • You know lots of criticism is written by characters who are very academic and think it is a sign you are worthless if you make jokes or kid or even clown. I wouldn't kid Our Lord if he was on the cross. But I would attempt a joke with him if I ran into him chasing the money changers out of the temple.
    Ernest Hemingway
    Ernest Hemingway
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