Quotes of the day, January 16
There is no thirst of the soul so consuming as the desire for pardon. The sense of its bestowal is the starting-point of all goodness. It comes bringing with it, if not the freshness of innocence, yet a glow of inspiration that nerves feeble hands for hard tasks, a fire of hope that lights anew the old high ideal, so that it stands before the eye in clear relief, beckoning to make it out on its own.
Charles Brent
February 4
A positive attitude is a choice, like walking to the other side of a street to avoid trouble or making a 180-degree turn when you feel you're heading in the wrong direction.
Richard M. DeVos
February 3
February 2
A little scorn is alluring.
William Congreve
February 1
God, grant us our desires, and grant them quickly.
Catherine the Great
January 31
Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera are doing pretty well at getting noticed - a lot of people are doing pretty well at it. But you wonder whether they'll last, because many of them don't have the ability to get an audience to love them. You say, "That's a fabulous body" or "I like that song"; you don't say, "I love them because I know them." You can't know them.
Bette Midler