Precise Quotes
When you put relative and absolute truth together and they become one unit, it becomes possible to make things workable. You are not too much on the side of absolute truth, or you would become too theoretical. You are not too much on the side of relative truth, or you would become too precise. When you put them together, you realize that there is no problem.
Chogyam Trungpa
To use words and phrases in an easygoing manner without scrutinizing them too curiously is not in general a mark of ill-breeding. On the contrary, there is something low-bred in being too precise. But sometimes there is no help for it.
We have not yet reached any definitive view on the precise measures we would propose to remedy this situation."
Charlie McCreevy
Your life experience is unfolding in the precise response to the vibrations that radiate as a result of your thoughts, whether you know it is or not.
Esther Hicks
Golf is the only game in which a precise knowledge of the rules can earn one a reputation for bad sportsmanship.
Patrick Campbell
The term "state socialism" is not precise. Under this term many understand an order under which a certain part of the wealth, sometimes a quite considerable part, passes into state ownership or under its control while in the great majority of cases the ownership of plants, factories, and land, remains in private hands.
Joseph Stalin
I don't like these cold, precise, perfect people, who, in order not to speak wrong, never speak at all, and in order not to do wrong, never do anything.
Henry Ward Beecher
The applause of all but very good men is no more than the precise measure of their possible hostility.
Alec Guinness
Precise knowledge is the only true knowledge, and he who does not teach exactly, does not teach at all.
Henry Ward Beecher
I will not allow a Delia Smith cookbook in my house! It's all so precise with Delia, and it makes cooking seem so inaccessible.
Theresa May
I don't think Stoppardian has a precise definition.
Tom Stoppard
I cannot be very precise, but we are working on some ideas that maybe it is possible to get through.
Javier Solana
Baking is too precise for me. I cook with a pinch of this or that.
Eva Longoria
I have a lot of aggression in me that needs to come out in a not-very-precise or articulate way.
Christina Aguilera
He was ever precise in promise-keeping.
William Shakespeare
Evolution ... is really two theories, the vague theory and the precise theory. The vague theory has been abundantly proved.... The precise theory has never been proved at all. However, like relativity, it is accepted on faith.... On getting down to actual details, difficulties begin.
Anthony Standen
It's important to be precise about words, because of the thought value of them-they frame and shape so much of the way we understand things.
Michael Nesmith
The Monkees
Looking back through the mists of time, I recall some distinctly religious experiences in my teens--when I was only fourteen years old to be precise. These experiences opened my mind to the idea of a Creator and that caring for other living things was a Christian duty. My parents were not strongly religious at the time and when I announced at that youthful age that I wanted to be a priest, it not unnaturally provoked some incredulity, even mirth. In the same year, I became a vegetarian, which--for family and friends--was even more vexing.
Andrew Linzey