Beens Quotes
I've been writing songs all my life. My mom said I wrote my first song when I was two.
There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover it, and that truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to offer.
I have been doing music all my life so everyday when I get up I expect music will be part of it.
Always our wars have been our confessions of weakness
I would quite like to have been a 1920s writer.
The car crash that took the lives of these two lovely people has been portrayed as a traffic accident caused by a drunk driving at high speed. The reality is that it was murder.
I've always been lucky enough to have great audiences. It has been quite a life.
A man can look upon his life and accept it as good or evil; it is far, far harder for him to confess that it has been unimportant in the sum of things.
Communism is as Jewish as the Mafia is Italian. It's a fact that almost all of the convicted spies for communism have been atheist Jews like the Rosenbergs. And international communism was invented by the Jew Karl Marx and has since been led mostly by Jews - like Trotsky.
We didn't come here to set any fashions in music. We merely came to bring a much-needed touch of home to some lads who have been here a couple of years.
The mightiest works have been accomplished by men who have somehow kept their ability to dream great dreams.
Does anybody find it creepy how many Grant robots have been on the show? Is it just me or he like trying to clone himself and make a little army?
To history has been assigned the office of judging the past, of instructing the present for the benefit of future ages. To such high offices this work does not aspire. It wants only to show what actually [essentially?] happened (wie es eigentlich gewesen).
Do we really want a society in which the stigma of going on the dole has been erased?
Nothing would have been changed for the German people, but my name would have gone down in history as that of the greatest traitor.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
If it was not for Rajiv Gandhi, urbanization in India would have been history.
Yet when the books have been read, it boils down to the horse, his human companion, and what goes on between them
If Romeo had never met Juliet, maybe they both would have still been alive, but what they would have been alive for is the question Shakespeare wants us to answer.
I now consider the money I put into my pension to have been a mistake.
Music will always be apart of my life, I have been given a gift of song and voice and I have to use it. I don't have a mapped out time when I should hang up my mic because what I may think is my time may very well be a time to continue.
I have been influenced by the greatest artists in jazz, pop, reggae, traditional, ballards, pop, and all types of music, taking the best from each to represent my own personality. Whitney Houston, George Michaels, Sade, Phil Collins, and many others have influenced me.
The hardest thing over the years has been having the courage to go against the dominant wisdom of the time, to have a view that is at variance with the present consensus and bet that view.
The mind has been likened to a piece of paper that has been folded. Ever afterwards it has a tendency to fold in the same crease-unless we make a new crease or fold, when it will follow the last lines.