My Heart Quotes
When I was young my heart was young then, too. And anything that it would tell me, that's the thing that I would do.
It is as if my heart and my brain did not belong to the same person. Feelings come quicker than lightning and fill my soul, but they bring me no illumination; they burn me and dazzle me.
I gave him my heart, and he took and pinched it to death; and flung it back to me.
I can't fax you my love, I can't email my heart.
To be haunted by my heart is no threat.
Some people come up and ask for an autograph and don't even look at me. They're like, 'Here, do it.' That don't bother me, but it doesn't open my heart.
Oh my heart, there is another way to love. Do not love the gift for what the gift is. Love the gift for Who it came from.
America, the country of my heart, my second home.
For my heart is always with Him, day and night it thinks unceasingly of its heavenly and divine Friend, to whom it wants to prove its affection. Also within it arises this desire: not to die, but to suffer long, to suffer for God, to give Him its life while praying for poor sinners.
The foolishness of chasing the moon ached my heart. I was stuck between the moon and the shore and surrounded by an empty sea.
Whence do I get my rules of conduct? I find them in my heart. Whatever I feel to be good is good. Whatever I feel to be evil is evil. Conscience is the best of casuists.
God fixed my heart, so I could bless yours.
For this alone on Death I wreak The wrath that garners in my heart: He put our lives so far apart We cannot hear each other speak.
I believed that I was approaching the end of my days without having tasted to the full any of the pleasures for which my heart thirsted...without having ever tasted that passion which, through lack of an object, was always suppressed. ...The impossibility of attaining the real persons precipitated me into the land of chimeras; and seeing nothing that existed worthy of my exalted feelings, I fostered them in an ideal world which my creative imagination soon peopled with beings after my own heart.
I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying.' I tried with all my heart.
Deep in my heart I know my future soul mate is not waiting for me online.
Back on its golden hinges The gate of Memory swings, And my heart goes into the garden And walks with the olden things.
Choice or no, my heart is his.
Don't try to touch my heart, it's darker than you think. And don't try to read my mind, because it's full of disappearing ink.
Even as the words came out of my mouth, my heart was dying a million deaths.
In my heart I'm independent, a bit of a rebel, a nonconformist.
Whenever you are ready, or if you never are, my heart is yours.
Please send me your last pair of shoes, worn out with dancing as you mentioned in your letter, so that I might have something to press against my heart.
Do what you want be what you are You're the lady of my heart Oh, come, oh, come to me I was lonely, oh, so lonely I'll never break apart Your lovin' feeling Your senses reelin' You're the lady of my heart.