Bernie Sanders Quotes
People have to decide do they want originals or do they want copies, Bernie Sanders's the original.
Nina Turner
While we're talking about votes, Bernie Sanders is one who voted to deregulate swaps and derivatives in 2000, which contributed to the over-leveraging of Lehman Brothers, which was one of the culprits that brought down the economy.
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders is not just trying to win the race, Bernie Sanders is trying to create a revolution, there's a difference between, as somebody put it, pushing regulations and creating a revolution. And the revolution says that I want to bring millions and millions of people with me so that movement can sustain itself beyond the candidate
Nina Turner
Like Diogenes, when millennials went on their pursuit to find the one honest man in politics, it was obvious that man was Bernie Sanders.
Cenk Uygur
It is fair to say, Bernie Sanders, that in your definition, as you being the self-proclaimed gatekeeper for progressivism, I don't know anyone else who fits that definition, but I know a lot of really hard fighting progressives in the Democratic party who have stood up time, and time again against special interests, against the powerful on behalf of those who are left behind and left out.
Hillary Clinton
I'm an early, middle, and late supporter of Bernie Sanders.
Cenk Uygur
There is no greater threat to Washington, D.C., than Bernie Sanders, and they know it.
Cenk Uygur
Anyone who supported Bernie Sanders who thinks we should raise the minimum wage, who thinks that we should have universal health care coverage, who thinks that the wealthy have not paid their fair share, and I could go on and on, would certainly not find that Donald Trump's views are in line with theirs.
Hillary Clinton
Look at what I am proposing, and we with Bernie Sanders have a vigorous agreement here. We both want to reign in the excesses of Wall Street. I also want to reign in the excesses of Johnson Controls that we bailed out when they were an autoparts company, and we saved the auto industry, and now they want to avoid paying taxes.
Hillary Clinton
People make mistakes and I'm certainly not saying Bernie Sanders did it for any kind of financial advantage. What we've got to do as Democrats - what we've got to do as Democrats is to be united to actually solve these problems. And what I believe is that I have a better track record and a better opportunity to actually get that job done.
Hillary Clinton