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Val IT provides well-researched guidance that helps organizations select investments with the potential to generate the highest returns.
...absolute intolerance also provides long growth.
If you look into the mirror, you see that [every part of you] belongs there and you belong there, as you are. You begin to realize that you have a perfect right to be in this universe, to be this way, and you see that there is a basic hospitality that this world provides to you. You have looked and you have seen, and you don't have to apologize for being born on this earth.
Accomplishing something provides the only real satisfaction in life.
There is a lake that one day refused to flow away and threw up a dam at the place where it had before flowed out and since then this lake has always risen higher and higher. Perhaps the very act of renunciation provides us with the strength to bear it ; perhaps man will rise ever higher and higher when he no longer flows out into a God.
Don't let mistakes be so monumental, don't let your love be so confidential, don't let your mind be so darn judgemental, and please let your heart be more influential. Be thankful for all that the spirit provides and be thankful for all that you see without eyes.
We're helping them to increase their revenues and lower their costs. In the end, it provides for a better experience for customers.
So how can a poet-an intelligent, serious poet-write mystical verse now? The poetry of Adam Zagajewski provides the beginning of an answer to this question.
The fox provides for himself, but God provides for the lion.
Each episode provides a puzzle piece to a larger mystery.
I am, as you know, a fan of nature, said Reginald. And yet, nature doesn't find ways to do anything. Nature has no opinion, no agenda. Nature provides a playing field, a not particularly level one, on which we compete with all creatures great and small.
She provides instant defense. And she can get a steal at any time.
Western civilization shapes the content of my films, provides me with subjects that haven't been used before.
The best way we have to ensure that consumers are fairly represented in today's confusing world of buzzwords and rapidly evolving technologies is to communicate openly with others and tap into the social and networking resources that the Web itself provides us all.
He provides all the details. He doesn't leave anything out. Some people will tell you something and leave out Part Three. After he tells you something, you'd be an idiot if you mess it up. He listens, too. A lot of people teach but don't listen. He listens as well as teaches.
I just dress up what the Good Lord provides.
Every time I get something under control in my own life, the world provides more material.
A man who gives his children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them fortune.
Winning provides happiness. Losing provides wisdom.
But it will be said that the husband provides for the wife, or in other words, he feeds, clothes and shelters her! I wish I had the power to make every one before me fully realize the degradation contained in that idea.
The seminary of the future must relate itself to flesh-and-blood men, or it provides a framework that only talks about the people of God but never really shares life with them.
We may look back in horror that we allowed our children to be born of the random processes that nature provides.