Jason Quotes
When my friends were besotted with Jason Donovan, my heroes were Colm O'Rourke and Barney Rock
Jason wanted me to be the spokesman for Nissan when he was with them.
Illium says that perhaps I can use them to flutter someone to death. - Aodhan to Jason, Archangel's Storm
I know exactly how strong he is... He is like a peacock, spreading his feathers and squawking loudly to distract you from the back that his body is but weak." -Jason to Mahiya
Jason did some good things and some bad things.
I think horror or science fiction is another way of telling a modern myth - it's like Ancient Greece; it's like kids couldn't wait for the next 'Orpheus' story, the next 'Jason and the Argonauts.'
I share an office with Jason Sudeikis, and I'm friends with him, so I end up writing for him a lot.