Factors Quotes
I don't like the word "villain." It's too reductive. Calling someone a villain makes it too easy to ignore all the factors that went into someone making the choices they do.
There are so many factors to lead to a child becoming obese.
Natural ability and educational advantages do not figure as factors in this matter of prayer; but a capacity for faith, the power of a thorough consecration, the ability of self-littleness, an absolute losing of one's self in God's glory and an ever present and insatiable yearning and seeking after all the fullness of God.
The web is just going to be one more of those major change factors that businesses face every decade.
Self-appraisals of efficacy are reasonably accurate, but they diverge from action because people do not know fully what they will have to do, lack information for regulating their effort, or are hindered by external factors from doing what they can.
I'm not going to put a percentage on it. There are a lot of factors and one of those factors is ticket sales. We want a loud stadium.
There are too many factors you have to take into account that you have no control over...The most important factor you can keep in your own hands is yourself. I always placed the greatest emphasis on that.
Music is always occurring. It is just a matter of marketing, attention, and many other factors, that determines whether people will hear these songs or not.
I'll admit I never wanted to be in a band. Then, in X-Factor, they put me in this group and it's the best thing that ever happened to me.
Those jobs flee other states because of factors like excessive taxation, punitive regulation and frivolous lawsuits.
What is right for one couple is wrong for another. I would say that there are many more important factors to a happy marriage.
If exporters are looking at various factors which influence the performance, the fluctuating rupee will certainly be a factor.
Pride of opinion has been responsible for the downfall of more men on Wall Street than any other factor.
I don't believe in statistics. There are too many factors that can't be measured. You can't measure a ballplayer's heart.
Even after we compensated for confounding factors like family history of depression, coffee drinking, or their year in medical school, we still came out with a very clear change in risk.
The most important thing for small businesses is getting the economy back on its feet. That - the key driver of small business activity is demand for their product, and that is what we are trying to do, getting the economy back on its feet. That's far more important than other factors.
Universities give a boost in admissions for other factors besides race, factors that bring no social benefit, such as athletic ability, celebrity of parents, and alumni connections. It is remarkable how little agitation there is against those practices.
I think not in two or three dimensional terms but in five dimensional terms when I consider a novel. There's height, width, and depth, there's the time factor, and then there's the factor which I call the cerebral factor of the reader, the way the reader adjusts to all the other dimensions, which is the fifth dimension.
We know that there are several predisposing factors to gun violence: poverty, lack of education, lack of good parenting, lack of jobs, living in an environment where violence is seen every day, all the time. And children being born to children are likely to have all of these predisposing factors.
Though a skilled mathematician, Alfred Marshall used mathematics sparingly. He saw that excessive reliance on this instrument might lead us astray in pursuit of intellectual toys, imaginary problems not conforming to the conditions of real life: and further, might distort our sense of proportion by causing us to neglect factors that could not easily be worked up in the mathematical machine.
I've always had a fascination with hugging (I'm not really particular about who or what it is I'm embracing as long as there's a “squish” factor).
There is an intelligence factor that works with the spoken word. With words, you have to understand meaning and nuances and things like that. You have to be able to relate...but with music it's just music.
One hopes for that type of result but you just never know what factors will work in your favor. I think I just was concentrating on making the best film I could under the circumstances I was given. That's all I could really do.
War is brutish, inglorious, and a terrible waste... The only redeeming factors were my comrades' incredible bravery and their devotion to each other. Marine Corps training taught us to kill efficiently and to try to survive. But it also taught us loyalty to each other - and love. That espirit de corps sustained us.