Lifeline Quotes
She grips my elbow tighter, somehow finding the thinnest skin to dig her fingernails into. I want to pry her fingers from my arm, but when I look down at her, I can tell she’s using me as a lifeline, and I’m not going to be the one to let her drown.
We must provide adequate funding for an essential program that serves as a lifeline to some of our most vulnerable citizens.
Song writing has been a lifeline for me.
A hope of something beyond our place and time. This is what books - the best books - give us: a lifeline, a reason to believe, a way to breathe more freely.
I think of prayer as a spiritual lifeline back to where I most want to be.
When there was pain or hurt, or bad memories crowded in, work could be a literal lifeline, taking your mind away from what you couldn't deal with and channeling it into something good, something tangible.
When the media ask George W. Bush a question, he answers, 'Can I use a lifeline?'