Cheeseburger Quotes
Cheeseburger in paradise!
Myrnin:I could murder a cheeseburger right now Oliver:focus ya fool
I could still eat a cheeseburger if I wanted to. I just can't have them every day.
I want a cheeseburger so badly, but I have to be a vampire in a few weeks.
You dont have to eat a whole cheeseburger, just take a piece of the cheeseburger.
He's getting dumped. And he doesn't even know it yet. He's probably eating a cheeseburger or flossing or picking up his dry cleaning, and he has no idea. No inkling.
I don’t even have money for a cheeseburger!
I'm all about fashion, cheeseburgers and bright-red lipstick.
I think it's too soon to say that, and I think, basically - most of the people that I ran across and most of the studies that I saw suggest people don't go to McDonald's to eat healthy food. They go to eat fries and cheeseburgers.
I take pleasure in the little things. Double cheeseburgers, those are good, the sky ten minutes before it rains,the moment your laugh turns into a cackle. And I sit here, and smoke my Camel straights, and I ride my own melt.
One of the teams (Tennessee) that jumped us had the same game that we had. They're down, they're playing at home and they win by a field goal. Another team (Florida) that jumped us wasn't even playing. They were home eating cheeseburgers and they end up jumping us. That befuddles me.
A lot of people think I'm snotty. So what? They never asked me out when I was serving cheeseburgers.