Documentaries Quotes
I tried documentaries.It wasn't the time for me. I was going to try to do the same thing, I did make a valiant attempt but it did not work - to do the same thing with documentaries that we had done with the book club [in 2011]. The zeitgeist wasn't ready. It just wasn't ready.
Great," Shane said. "Look i'd rather not be on janitorial duty. I have allergies to cleaners." "And to cleaning," Michael said. "Look who's talking, Didn't the do one of those Animal Planet documentaries about the roaches in your room?
Documentaries are the first line of education, and the second line of education is dramatization, such as 'The Pacific'.
I wouldn't do nudity in films. For me, personally... To act with my clothes on is a performance; to act with my clothes off is a documentary.
When I hear the word "documentary," I don't think certain things should be left out. You've got to keep it 100 percent as much as you can, unless your group has a meeting beforehand and says, "Yo -- don't say this, 'cause boom, boom, boom." Other than that, it's a documentary so let's document, you know what I mean?
I used to watch a lot of documentaries about Satanic possession - and I don't know if this is racist or not - but in the documentaries, it never happened to Americans! It was always happening in Central America or South America; that's where the priest was always going down to exorcise possessed people. So I didn't have a lot of fear of being possessed by the devil.
I travel because I want to know. Books and documentaries will only get you so far. If you want to know, you will have to go.
I've been called a spy of Israel since 1996, and since I made my documentary film in 2000 the FBI has investigated me as an agent of Iraq. The FBI has also opened up an investigation into my wife calling her a KGB spy.
We need to find another way or another shape or an allegory or something that tells us more. Even Vagabond - it was a fiction but it was really a documentary. I mean, it has the texture of documentary. Even if I made up every line, it has the texture of being true.
I'd rather lose the small part of the audience that is going to be insulted because a documentary shouldn't have music than the big part of the audience that kind of gives itself over to the scene.
Like all great documentaries, The Act of Killing demands another way of looking at reality. It starts as a dreamscape, an attempt to allow the perpetrators to reenact what they did, and then something truly amazing happens. The dream dissolves into nightmare and then into bitter reality. An amazing and impressive film.
Fantasy is hard to do when it comes to making it look good compared to something that's a documentary or hyper-realism.
I'm kind of a twisted social documentary photographer.
You know, the process of making a documentary is one of discovery, and like writing a story, you follow a lead and that leads you to something else and then by the time you finish, the story is nothing like you expected.
There's a lot of documentaries out in the world; it sometimes seems as if there's no topic left!
Documentaries shouldn't just reflect the world: they should try and explain why reality is like it is.
Exposing something that's painful or raw or not so pleasant. That seems to be the dramatic motor of documentaries, exposure.
I am a Beyonce fan. I’m gonna watch her upcoming documentary because fortunately one of the TVs in our kitchen has closed captioning so I’ll be able to understand what she says. You know Beyonce can’t talk. She sounds like she has a fifth grade education.
I never say I make documentaries. I say I make television.
I like the rock documentaries that make it seem real. Some rock documentaries are meant to make the bands look larger than life.
I'm a massive sucker for music documentaries.
Saying that all documentaries are the same is like saying all foreign films are the same.
Everybody should have a documentary made about themselves. It's amazing what you see and what you learn.
Documentaries were necessary for my growth as a person. I grew up very sheltered and it was a form of expressing myself.