Intrigue Quotes
I found that gloss paint suited me entirely, and its qualities still intrigue me. It's viscous and fluid and feels like a pool. It's highly reflective, which means there are layers of looking. You look at the picture, and you look at the surface, then you look at the reflection in the surface behind you, then you look at yourself.
A good title should be like a good metaphor. It should intrigue without being too baffling or too obvious.
I've admired Lawrence master from his choreographer days. I love how he experiments and makes it work. I like his attention to detail and the intrigue in his movies.
It is not easy to find something that will intrigue and bind your interest and enthusiasm. This you must seek for yourself.
When there are tiers of meaning in an ad it intrigues the audience and they look for it again and again.
A truly beautiful woman is always good and the other women, and to people in general. She rejects rivalry, intrigue and dirty tricks.
The State always stands for swindling, intrigue, and privilege, and cannot stand for anything else.
I really believe in keeping your canvas very basic and sort of adding the accouterments from there. I look at creating intrigue with outfits through accessories.
Venice, that capital city of dream and intrigue, that double city (one above and seemingly solid, one below, wavering and reflected in the waters), which never disappoints.
To forego even ambition when the end is gained - who can say this is not greatness?
Your psychotic behavior and constant temper tantrums intrigue me.
Victoria Roberts spins an exciting Highland tale of intrigue, betrayal, and love with a braw Highland hero and strong English heroine any reader will love.
I do not worship the devil. But magic does intrigue me. Magic of all kinds. I bought Crowley's house to go up and write in. The thing is, I just never get up that way. Friends live there now.
They're getting me involved in intrigue again, and I think it follows a classic formula in a soap opera.
I was like many another who starts an intrigue timidly. Once into it, I had to go on, and therefore I had to harden my sensibilities.
I think it's okay that there's digital music out there, because that does mean more people have access. I mean, you're a student, and you're studying music, and you want to find a CD of a whole work, but there's one piece that intrigues you. It's easy to get that piece for a dollar for the most part. And it's so easy for people to carry around music digitally.
VOID is filled with intrigue, suspense, and smoldering desire. This story will keep you turning the page until the very end.
The inferior man attempts a hundred intrigues in order to save himself, but finishes only in creating a greater calamity from which he cannot run.
God wants to change us so much that it intrigues others.