Describing Quotes
When I use the term "complex realism", what I'm suggesting is that the writer must be realist, always realist, but not realist in the sense we have usually used the term in literature. If reality today is different from the reality of 30 years ago, we can't keep describing reality in the same way as we did 30 years ago.
You've got a lot going for you, you see. By just describing well with it, something happens.
There are networks of groupies - and nowadays it's instant because of the internet. Before, it took days to tell your penpal 'I just had Jimi Hendrix'. Nowadays, 20 minutes after you've zipped your trousers up, it's in New Zealand! Somebody e-mailed me a groupie website that I was on, and there was somebody describing my tackle. It was flattering but completely fucking wrong - I'd be the first to say that I don't have a ten-and-a-half-inch dick!
It would be like describing colors to someone blind from birth: The words might be understood, but the concept would remain mysterious and private.
Maybe it's just me being lazy but I just don't like describing my music or style or anything, I just like letting people interpret it.
Trying to explain or define grace is like catching the wind in a cardboard box or describing the color green.
I don't think I can get anywhere near to fully describing what love is.
Only the camera seems to be really capable of describing modern life.
I'm really bad at describing my own life.
Murder is a crime. Describing Murder is not. Sex is not a crime. Describing sex is.
I'm more into describing a scenario and I move around in that scenario.
Curiously enough, it seems to be only in describing a mode of language which does not mean what it says that one can actually say what one means.
When you are describing, A shape, or sound, or tint; Don't state the matter plainly, But put it in a hint; And learn to look at all things, With a sort of mental squint.
There's no other word that comes close to describing how you make me feel. Nothing.
We get to the point then with modern science where you could almost say that modern science is the art of describing those systems so crude in their structure that they are not subject to temporal variables.
Painting doesn't mean just describing; it's a state of spirit.
I'm never going to write a whole paragraph describing what a living room looks like.
Completely strange faces pop up as interesting points through the crowd. I am carried along with the current, lacking will. To move becomes an unacceptable effort describing the crowds in Dresden.
While I am describing to you how Nature works, you won't understand why Nature works that way. But you see, nobody understands that.
Instead of describing ADD as an inability to concentrate, this model presents it as the ability to concentrate on everything. The world always is alive and ripe with sources of interest.