Pretty Quotes
I find that the time that goes by is actually your best friend when you are making a record. The passing of time gives you perspective on what you recorded and what you wrote. If something sounds good to you 12 months after you recorded it then chances are pretty good that there's something valuable about the part or the song.
I find that the time that goes by is actually your best friend when you are making a record. The passing of time gives you perspective on what you recorded and what you wrote. If something sounds good to you 12 months after you recorded it then chances are pretty good that there's something valuable about the part or the song.
I'm pretty laid back.
When I was 13, I thought I was pretty hot stuff because I knew BASIC programming, self-taught on the family's Commodore 64. One of my crowning accomplishments was writing a silly little program that showed a crudely-drawn Space Shuttle lifting off in a cloud of pixelated smoke.
I'd pretty much given up hope of being published, so I just wrote the book I wanted to read.
The child is pronounced pretty. I think it quite otherwise.
The celebrity aspect is nothing short of ridiculous, and auditioning is brutal and dehumanizing. Every time I see a pretty young girl on the subway reading sides for an audition, my only thought is, 'Man, am I glad I'm not doing that anymore.' I never feel nostalgia, just relief.
It's probably unprecedented for a filmmaker simply to take the writers' script and treat it as the instructions on the package. What really happens is you pretty much suppress your own instincts - and your own views on the matter - and write things the way filmmakers would like to have them, though the filmmakers often don't know what they want. They can only find out by reading what you do.
I'm always thinking about whatever game I'm working on. My brain works subconsciously on design pretty much every hour I'm awake.
Roger Ballen is pretty much a member of Die Antwoord, it would be safe to say.
When it comes to relationships, I think I'm pretty experienced - you'd be surprised.
I think we’ve got the risks pretty well characterized. I think we are at least avoiding the mistakes that have been made in the past.
I don't hurt or want for visibility, but people seem to forget pretty easily.
If my life had to be a song I would name it, 'Live every day like its your best day ever', because it pretty much is.
Many filmmakers portray teenagers as immoral and ignorant, with pursuits that are pretty base... But I haven't found that to be the case. I listen to kids. I respect them... Some of them are as bright as any of the adults I've met.
In one line of his poem he said good fences make good neighbors. I'd like to think that Alaska and British Columbia working together can prove that we can be pretty darned good neighbors without fences.
I always wanted to be a Klingon princess. They were so pretty, and their hair was fire. My hair is Klingon, I feel like.
What can you do? You're never going to be - I'm sure there are people out there who think Cindy Crawford isn't pretty.
I'm pretty terrible at writing, so the way I kind of therapeutically get through things is by drawing.
You know, 'Viggo' is a pretty dorky name in Denmark. It's like 'Oswald' or something. It's a very old Scandinavian name, at least 1,000 years old.
Judd Apatow is pretty good, both as a producer and as a director.
There's something about that puritanical narrative of progress and upward mobility and work ethic that the glorification of abstinence fits pretty neatly into. That pairs with the fact that 12-step recovery has had too large a monopoly on how treatment is understood in America.
One of the things I found is that no matter where in the country - poor communities, rich communities - everybody deals with very similar issues of bullying. It's pretty widespread.
A rap is a tweaked version of comedy, because comedy came first. People weren't spitting before they were doing comedy. Comedy has been relevant for years. It's the same art form, pretty much. Discovering that and applying it, I think that has made my stand-up better.