Indifference Quotes
Indifference is the revenge the world takes on mediocrities.
The indifference, callousness and contempt that so many people exhibit toward animals is evil first because it results in great suffering in animals, and second because it results in an incalculably great impoverishment of the human spirit.
If moderation is a fault, then indifference is a crime.
Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust; hatred alone is immortal.
No matter the time, carried away the wind is Better your absence Thy indifference.
Love may turn to indifference with possession.
The only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the indifference of others.
I hated her now with a hatred more fatal than indifference because it was the other side of love.
Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings.
The most destructive criticism is indifference.
Indifference breeds animosity.
These funerals always appear to me the more indecent in a populous city, from the total indifference of the beholders, and the perfect unconcern with which they are beheld.
Indifference is the strongest contempt.
Love and hate are not opposites. The opposite of love is indifference.
Up until the end of the Bush Administration, there was indifference to the North Korean suffering under Kim Jong-Il.
Tolerance is another word for indifference.
It's attention to detail that makes the difference between average and stunning.
There is nothing in the world so monstrously vast as our indifference.
Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.
Never focus your eyes on the obstacle or the difficulty. The obstacle will be a matter of total indifference to the river that will flow steadily through you if you will simply remember to stay focused on the Source.
But say what you will, 'tis better to be left than never to have been loved. To pass our youth in dull indifference, to refuse the sweets of life because they once must leave us, is as preposterous as to wish to have been born old, because we one day must be old.
For those who govern, the first thing required is indifference to newspapers.
After that father's death I never cried with any real conviction, nor expected much of anyone's God except indifference, nor loved deeply without fear that it would cost me dearly in pain. At the age of five I had become a skeptic and began to sense that any happiness that came my way might be the prelude to some grim cosmic joke.
Sometimes indifference can be so erotic. I think the people who are most dismissive of you get the most of your attention.