Closet Quotes
I'm going through an evolution. I'm completely cleaning out my closet. I'm purging, because I saw that show 'Hoarders.' I had a sweatshirt from sixth grade, and I'm going, 'Why do I hold on to this?'
I've always been sort of a closet sci-fi geek.
I dream of a not-so-distant future in which every woman can wake up, decide what she'll wear from the millions of styles in her digital dream closet, and have her outfit magically delivered to her before she finishes her coffee.
When I moved in, I said, 'I don't care how this makes me look or sound: I am converting one of these bedrooms into a shoe closet.' It's become more of a dressing room, but one wall is shoes in their perfect cubbies.
We cannot talk to God strongly when we have not lived for God strongly. The closet cannot be made holy to God when the life has not been holy to God.
I have like 20 snap-up shirts in my closet, and I never, never would have thought before FNL would I have had that.
Half of my closet is Barbie clothes - PVC skirts, cropped fuzzy sweaters, and velvet minis.
I can't speak for other people, but for me, I feel like gone are the days that you need to come out of a closet. I never felt like I was in a closet. I never did. I always felt comfortable with who I am and the decisions I made.
I am really bad with cleaning my closet.
I'm not big on the closet.
Prayer is not learned in a classroom but in the closet.
When the boogie man goes to sleep he checks his closet for me.
It's like I'm in a closet in a college dorm room.
I am not in the closet. I am not coming out of the closet. I am not gay.
A holy life does not live in the closet, but it cannot live without the closet.
If we would have God in the closet, God must have us out of the closet. There is no way of praying to God, but by living to God.
She's been fucking someone else. She's still fucking Duane. She's getting back together with Duane and they're getting married. Duane's in the closet with a video camera and a gun.
The closet does have a benefit. It provides safety. Which at times is important. But remember, as long as you are in there, two other things will be too. Fear and shame.
God is definitely out of the closet.
Homophobia and the closet are allies. Like an unhealthy co-dependent relationship they need each other to survive. One plays the victim living in fear and shame while the other plays the persecutor policing what is ‘normal’. The only way to dismantle homophobia is for every gay man and lesbian in the world to come out and live authentic lives. Once they realise how normal we are and see themselves in us….the controversy is over.
It's sort of like turning a light on in the dark closet to show a kid that there's nothing really there, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Friends are readily disappointed by the size of my closet. And I thought it was big!
The gay community just recognizes what their closets are and we straight have to spend years trying to figure out which closet we are trapped in.