Pension Quotes
With me serving as the president, we filed a $3-million lawsuit against the league and its member clubs in an attempt to win increased pension benefits and a larger share Of television revenue.
That receiving a pension or disability benefits prevents people from getting better. After all, the amygdala knows nothing of pensions.
I respect the state workers and I respect their unions, but we simply can't afford to pay benefits and pensions that are out of line with economic reality.
Marriage is like retiring as a bachelor and getting a sexual pension. You don't have to work for the sex any more, but you only get 65% as much.
My dad was very worried that I wasn't saving and didn't have a pension. I've never invested well.
Budgets that don’t balance, public programs that aren’t funded, pension funds that are running out of money, schools that aren’t funded – How does that help anyone?
I want to be able to look my daughter’s teacher in the eye and say, ‘Your pension will be there.’ I need to know that her pension will match up with a promise we can keep
I don't have a dime left. I am dependent on my friends for food and a small old-age pension.
You got your glory and you paid for it all, you take your pension in loneliness and alcohol.
Is there any fairness in a system where a group of people can borrow a bunch of money to buy a company and pay themselves millions of dollars in dividends and fees, while the company itself ends up bankrupt and its employees lose their jobs, health insurance and pensions?
The do-it-yourself version of pensions is a flop, as many Americans have painfully learned.
You don't take a job in acting at all expecting 25 years in and a pension.
It ought to be quite as natural and straightforward a matter for a labourer to take his pension from his parish, because he has deserved well of his parish, as for a man in higher rank to take his pension from his country, because he has deserved well of his country.
If you've been frugal during your life and tried to save, you're penalised by the tax system. You pay tax on your wages, your savings and even your private pension.
In Holland, pensions were cut. The public health services for elderly people were cut. Enormous asocial tough measures. And at the same time people saw while the government has these enormous austerity measures, that the government spent billions of euros on asylum seekers who really weren't asylum seekers but migrants looking for a better life.
You had one guy who was a slave, and another who wasn't. And I actually know what happened to them. Juan Garrido ended up getting good jobs and a pension in Mexico which was the center of New Spain, as it was called. Esteban ended up being killed by the Zuni Indians.
Where Young must torture his invention To flatter knaves, or lose his pension.
I now consider the money I put into my pension to have been a mistake.
Quite truthfully, I have no idea how much the pension is worth because I have never contemplated retiring.
Live long enough and you'll come into pensions, a lovely thing. Presents every month from people you didn't know cared.
One thing which frustrates me about state pensions is the disparity between EU countries.
I believe when hard-working citizens have earned their pension, it's wrong for Washington bureaucrats and politicians to take their pensions away.
If I'd proposed solving the pension problem by compulsory euthanasia for every fifth pensioner I'd have got less trouble for it.
Retirement security is often compared to a three-legged stool supported by Social Security, employer-provided pension funds, and private savings.