Note Quotes
It is somewhat remarkable that Cornwall has produced no musical genius of any note, and yet the Cornishman is akin to the Welshman and the Irishman.
Every single note on this album is there for a reason.
Every note is a lifetime for itself.
Newt Gingrich seldom misses a chance to note that he is a historian.
I try all night to play a pretty note.
I interact with journalists all the time, and I note how they behave.
On a quick side note, I would argue that--much like Samuel L. Jackson--I am not arrogant at all; I'm just actually really, really great.
If you find a note tonight that sounds good, play the same damn note every night!
Note to self: If you can't hear God when you pray, shut up.
You are never more than a half-step away from a right note.
Note to self: no matter how bad life gets, there's always beer.
I want to be there for the last note of 'Freebird' when that happens.
Never lose the groove to find a note.
The poet, as everyone knows, must strike his individual note sometime between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five. He may hold it a long time, or a short time, but it is then that he must strike it or never. School and college have been conducted with the almost express purpose of keeping him busy with something else till the danger of his ever creating anything is past.
Surrender your whole being to a note, and gravity disappears...wi th one chord.
I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.
Note to self... Sex with blow-up doll is not as good as advertised.
After conducting a concert in a small town, I once received the following note from a farmer who had attended the performance: "Dear Sir, I wish to inform you that the man who played the long thing you pull in and out only did so during the brief periods you were looking at him."
I love you Huey was the note I read, but there's a strange pair of shoes underneath the bed.
True art takes note not merely of form but also of what lies behind.
Some musicians, man, you hear the note almost before they hit it. Jimi, Coltrane and Charlie Parker were like that.
Tis better to hit an air ball, than to force a note that don't wanna come out.
I nodded absently as I made a note of the pub. The Rising Sun drinking establishment exists right on the fringes of the demi-monde – not being nearly as antique or mysterious as it pretends to be.
Small disconnected facts, if you take note of them, have a way of becoming connected.