Life Quotes
He who does not want to die should not want to live. For life is tendered to us with the proviso of death. Life is the way to this destination.
Here was life, gently reminding her that she could care again. That her grief was allowed, but so was her joy.
The point of your life is to point to Him. Whatever you are doing, God wants to be glorified, because this whole thing is His.
I'm not going to let fear rule my life. I'd rather be able to know that I've made a choice that's right for me, than saying yes because I don't want my agents to be upset with me.
To me, this is the singular privilege of reading literature: we are allowed to step into another's life.
The actor's life is the road. Always has been, always will be. That is his cross and his glory.
You always have to give 100%,because if you don't someone, somewhere will give 100% and they will beat you when you meet.
The gospel of Jesus Christ prescribes the wisest rules for just conduct in every situation in life. Happy they who are enabled to obey them in all situations!
You can't find peace by avoiding life.
Want to change your experience of life? Change the problem to the practice field.
Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life.
If drugs could heal what was broken inside her, she’d be an addict. Who wouldn’t? Sometimes life hurt, and you just had to suck it up.
The last refuge of the intelligentsia: when life gets too difficult, go find something to read.
I had my whole life planned.. I knew exactly where it was taking me.
The greatest wisdom is to make the enjoyment of the present the supreme object of life; because that is the only reality, all else being merely the play of thought. On the other hand, such a course might just as well be called the greatest folly: for that which in the next moment exists no more, and vanishes utterly, like a dream, can never be worth a serious effort.
Life is the most fragile free gift of lord. Handle with care.
Look, I would say that anyone who does this work and doesn't have a strain of idealism is an adrenaline junkie or completely narcissistic. There is no other justification. You're risking your life, and if anything happens, it's our families who suffer tremendously.
You know why you are doing something. And if it is against your life, your principles and ideals it is bothersome. And no one wants to be bothered. So you conveniently try to curtain it off, turn a blind eye, and put it out of sight so that it won't bother you. This is what the Mind does.
And the wind will whip your tousled hair, The sun, the rain, the sweet despair, Great tales of love and strife. And somewhere on your path to glory You will write your story of a life.
There is no more delightful hour in life than that of an unconfessed but mutual love.
Life is a rich strain of music, suggesting a realm too fair to be.
I personally dealt with a lot of depression and anxiety in my life.
Satan knows that youth is the springtime of life when all things are new and young people are most vulnerable.
Memoir is a difficult literary form to pull off when dealing with discrete and poignant moments in a life, even harder when seeking to narrate over 80 years of existence.