Mixture Quotes
Elrond's house was perfect, whether you liked food or sleep or story-telling or singing (or reading), or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all. Merely to be there was a cure for weariness. ... Evil things did not come into the secret valley of Rivendell.
You can be a permanent fixture in my lyrical mixture.
Life is not a mixture of matter and energy but energy in matter, bound in such a way that dissociation is impossible so long as the living process continues.
No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness.
I have an iPod, but I do still love CDs. There's something nice and tangible about a CD. I'm a mixture of old and new - I love my sewing machine, but I've also embraced new technology. The iPad is what did it for me - it's extraordinary.
Where there is no strife there is decay: 'The mixture which is not shaken decomposes.'
The right mixture of caring and not caring - I suppose that's what love is.
The mixture of electronics and guitars was a positive thing that made the songs stay with people.
Our DNA was mixed with a species from outer space and apes; we’re a mixture of the two.
We like to use a mixture of flowers, particularly if the dress is hard to match.
I like when there are complicated relationships, that there's a little bit of self-serving parts of it as well as a devotion to a person, and that there's a mixture of both in there. It's just I think that's a little more true to life. It's not always purely one way or the other.
In the Spanish people there is a mixture of Gothic, Frankish and Moorish blood. One can speak of the Spaniard as one would speak of a brave anarchist. The Arabian epoch-the Arabs look down on the Turks as they do on dogs-was the most cultured, the most intellectual and in every way best and happiest epoch in Spanish history. It was followed by the period of the persecutions with its unceasing atrocities.
I am becoming used to an overwhelming, grinding mixture of anger and worry.
I've always said it's interesting to watch devils cry when angels want to stab you in the back. I like that mixture.
The mixture is yet to be finally determined.
Acceptance of race mixture was more developed in Arab culture than in Jewish culture.
I'm not interested in being an intellectual or in being traditional, conventional. I'm not interested in having great wisdom. I'm not interested in those facets of the evangelical movement. I don't have to get stuff from them. I got my own stuff. If it hits you, okay. That's why I've got so many different races, classes, and such a mixture of theologies and philosophies. I've got agnostics, atheists, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Muslims the whole spectrum.
We live in a melting pot. More and more, people are some kind of mixture. Even if you're Caucasian, you're a mixture of something.
We are all a complete mixture;yet at the same time,we are all related.Each gene can trace its own journey to a different common ancestor.This is a quite extraordinary legacy that we all have inherited from the people who lived before us.Our genes did not just appear when we were born.They have been carried to us by millions of individual lives over thousands of generations.
I do not believe in a mixture of good and evil in the world, or in myself. All is Good.
I think that the Argentine people have a special charisma, something different from the others, a mixture of languages, customs and cultures, which is reflected through generations. A country where there are great athletes, musicians, actors, businessmen, scientists, etc.
Architecture is a hazardous mixture of omnipotence and impotence. It is by definition a c h a o t i c a d v e n t u r e... In other words, the utopian enterprise.
A mixture of admiration and pity is one of the surest recipes for affection.