Distasteful Quotes
I find the term 'workaholic' to be distasteful because it reminds me of the harried-looking lawyers I recall chained to their desks through nights and weekends during my lawyer days years ago.
The whole idea that what is not normal should be kept secret – that's really distasteful to me.
To be acknowledged outside of my city is amazing to me, because I don't really feel like I did nothing distasteful. I made the music I want to make, and people started to like it.
Have you noticed that they put advertisements in with your bills now? Like bills aren't distasteful enough, they have to stuff junk mail in there with them. I get back at them. I put garbage in with my check when I mail it in. Coffee grinds, banana peels...I write, "Could you throw this away for me?"
It isn't that life ashore is distasteful to me. But life at sea is better.
For me, faith is more about aspiration than complacency - the smug satisfaction that other people find distasteful.