Layer Quotes
Elementary considerations led me to the conclusion that a medium, composed of layers of different dielectric constants, must behave as a uniaxial crystal if it is assumed that the layer thicknesses are only a fraction of a wave-length.
There’s blood beneath every layer of skin.
You can't remove that layer of pain by just saying, "Okay, I'm not going to wallow in it." The only way to remove that layer of pain is to face what it says and to recognize it as the look in the mirror that it is, reflecting the things you did that you wish you hadn't done and the things you didn't do that you wish you had done.
It adds a layer of needed sophistication to the league.
Superstition is rooted in a much deeper and more sensitive layer of the psyche than skepticism.
I like to compare my method with that of painters centuries ago, proceeding from layer to layer.
I think language is a system that we have devised to negotiate a series of more amorphous entities. It's a layer you can use to see where those things exist, but if you don't have anyone speaking anymore, those things are still there. The things that language stands for do not require humans, and in fact are often trampled down by humans.
The removal of an electron from the surface of an atom - that is, the ionization of the atom - means a fundamental structural change in its surface layer.
We don't go on about trying to save the Brazilian rain forest. We're not ashamed of the fact that we can write lyrics like Let's Get Rocked which 99 percent of the world thinks is completely ridiculous, stupid and immature. If George Bush stood up on stage and pretended to be Eddie Van Halen that would be ridiculous, so when I see the Billy Braggs of this world using music as a soapbox it pisses me off. Music should always entertain, first and foremost. Nobody would take us seriously if we did songs like shut the ozone layer, save the rain forests, stop killing people in Bosnia. Everybody would laugh at us. I'd rather listen to Noddy Holder (Slade) sing about nothing at all than do a duet with Sinead O'Connor. We're not that desperate for publicity. We'll always be Leppard.
Zalasiewicz is convinced that even a moderately competent stratigrapher will, at the distance of a hundred million years or so, be able to tell that something extraordinary happened at the moment in time that counts for us as today. This is the case even though a hundred million years from now, all that we consider to be the great works of man—the sculptures and the libraries, the monuments and the museums, the cities and the factories—will be compressed into a layer of sediment not much thicker than a cigarette paper.