Knocking Quotes
Jack was balancing a spoon on his nose when I walked in. "You," I said knocking it off his face. "Me!" He answered cheerfully.
Fortune's not content with knocking a man down; she sends him spinning head over heels, crash upon crash.
When I saw Tyson knocking everybody out on TV, I thought, He's goooood. But when I saw him in person, he didn't look as awesome.
Yesterday and days before, the sun’s been knocking at my door. But I would always have you near. You said you’d change, you shed a tear. But I’ve been away from you. I’m over you.
The upside potential was so high—you could get a good payday with just one thirty-two-bar hit song—and the barrier to entry so low. Anyone could offer his wares—that is, anyone who could handle the indignity of knocking on door after door and being summarily rejected time and again.
I took the name Green Destiny from - well there is such a sword called Green Destiny. It is green because you keep twisting it, it's an ancient skill, you keep twisting it and knocking it and twisting it until it is very elastic and light.
You definitely have to do other things when you know your shot isn't falling. You can't just depend on knocking down the three-ball.
Be loyal to your daily practice. Keep working. And keep knocking on the door. As you'll remember, it is said in one of Rumi's most pithy moments that the door we're knocking on opens from the inside.
I think baseball has such a way of humbling you. You can go 20-for-20, and before you know it, you're going to go through an 0-for-30. It has that way of knocking you back down to earth.
Keep on knocking 'til the joy inside opens a window look to see who's ther.
Max - "...Do me a favor, if the constable comes knocking, tell him I was here all morning, will you?" Dodsley - "Killed someone again, did we?" Max- "Never before luncheon, Dodsley. It's still early yet.
Those offers come in now and again. They're not knocking down my door. I'm only an old character actor, and I'm not needed.
St. Peter: “Who is knocking at my gate?” Voice: “It is I.” St. Peter: “Go away, we don’t need any more school teachers here!
I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside.
It's just all about opportunities, knocking doors down and see who answers.
You can keep knocking me down forever, I'll keep getting up and trying.
At least to pray is left - is left Oh Jesus - in the Air - I know not which thy chamber is - I'm knocking everywhere.
I'm not not looking for a girlfriend - but I'm not particularly looking for a girlfriend, either. I'm not knocking having a relationship; at the end of the day, you want to share with someone. But I just look at it as, I have the rest of my life to do that. I'm not in any rush.
The younger generation will come knocking at my door.
Actually, when it comes to knocking the Canadian cultural scene, nobody outdoes Canadians, myself included. We are veritable masters of self-deprecation.