Taxpayer Quotes
The taxpayer is the new permanent underclass.
I understand that government should live within its means, value the money it holds in trust from you the taxpayer, avoid waste and, above all else, observe the first maxim of good government: namely, do no avoidable harm.
As Americans, we shouldn't like bailouts. Where I come from, if someone takes a risk and they're going to make the profit from that risk, they shouldn't have the taxpayer pay for the losses.
As a fiscal conservative, I cannot support a base closing that does not provide taxpayer savings.
I would like to know how much taxpayer money you spent producing and sending this campaign ad.
This deal means that we get in the city of Pittsburgh a brand new arena, a $280 million facility that does not cost the taxpayer a single cent. This is the only plan that presents a tax-free, brand new structure for the city of Pittsburgh.
It doesn't matter what he says tomorrow. If there's a better plan, great - that's a better plan. Odds are that will require taxpayer dollars.
I never once considered that it was appropriate to put taxpayer money on the line in resolving Lehman Brothers.
Lawmakers reacted to the report by cutting off the funds to continue the testing of students so nobody would know if there was any improvement. This even turns free marketism on its head: Create an expensive government program with taxpayer money, and when the data suggests the program isn't working, hide the data and make sure consumers.
There'll be some savings from preventing double dipping by public servants which are currently able to access not one but two fully tax payer funded schemes and of course there will be out paid parental leave levy. So all up not only is this an important economic reform, an important reform to have to grow our economy more strongly, it also will leave the budget better off which will help us fix the mess that Labor has created with the budget.
I would love to debate any politician in any western state on the question of whether the rule of law ought to be respected in a world where even the most "respectable" governments establish intelligence agencies that routinely violate those laws at taxpayer expense and at no real penalty to anyone involved.
Sham marriages have been widespread; people have been allowed to settle in Britain without being able to speak English; and there have not been rules in place to stop migrants becoming a burden on the taxpayer. We are changing all of that.
The federal and state governments should ban the use of taxpayer funds to support cloning and embryonic stem cell research.
It is a very unusual sector and the one thing I would ask of them is to understand that for most of them one-third of their films are being financed by the taxpayer and that carries huge accountability and responsibility.
It's wrong that members of Congress can purchase luxury airfare with taxpayer money when many families in my district and across the county are struggling to make ends meet.
I became a conservative because I believe that caring for people means more than just spending taxpayer money; it means delivering results. It means respecting and challenging our citizens, telling them what they need to hear, not simply what they want to hear.