Britain Quotes
Say, Britain, could you ever boast, Three poets in an age at most? Our chilling climate hardly bears A sprig of bays in fifty years.
Where Napoleon failed, I shall succeed, I shall land on the shores of Britain.
I can't remember who it was who advocated that you should march with the left and dine with the right but I've often concurred, taking the view that I personify the great tolerance of Britain by consenting to being regally entertained. Besides, there is a degree of truth in the view that while the left are worthier, the right are wittier.
What I like about Britain is that I can live a normal life here.
The best of pop in our country is among the best of the arts that we do. And Britain does the arts as well as, and sometimes better than, anybody else on the planet.
The U.S. and Britain are incapable of controlling all of Iraq.
We are not in Afghanistan for the sake of the education policy in a broken 13th-century country. We are there so the people of Britain and our global interests are not threatened.
America: It’s like Britain, only with buttons.
In America, there seems to be more focus on the idea that it's important to do things differently. In Britain, it's not an issue.
I think Britain would be alright, if only we had a different Government.
It's really an orchestral piece featuring a group and it was quite revolutionary at the time and it in fact, it kicked Deep Purple off as a name in Great Britain because it made all the newspapers. Everyone was writing about us. And there was some confusion as to what kind of band we were after that, which is why Deep Purple in Rock is such a hard unbending album of really furious hard heavy rock. Heavy metal hadn't been invented at that point.
The relationship between Britain and the US is fantastically important when confronting terrorism.
Britain does not normally these days play a huge part in peacekeeping.
Whatever happens in Mogadishu, in Somalia, will happen in Great Britain. We have interlocking interests.
I rate Morrissey as one of the best lyricists in Britain. For me, he's up there with Bryan Ferry.
I speak on due consideration because Britain, France, and Mexico, have abolished slavery, and all other European states are preparing to abolish it as speedily as they can.
I know there are some voices calling for a punitive deal that punishes Britain. That would be an act of calamitous self-harm for the countries of Europe, and it would not be the act of a friend.
In January 1776, Thomas Paine issued 'Common Sense,' advocating independence from Great Britain.
The British happened to the rest of the world. Now the world happens to Britain.
For Americans, the quickest way to understand modern Britain is to look at what LBJ's Great Society did to the black family and imagine it applied to the general population.
For a small island [Great Britain], the place is remarkably diverse.
I studied in Britain and spent great moments of my life there as a student living in Belsize Park. I admire the British trait of the stiff upper lip in the face of adversity. My wife studied in Britain, too, and both of us have many friends there.
The young Japanese, especially, love to wear the latest thing and when they come to London they head for my shops as part of what they want to find in Britain.
If we took over Britain, then we'd have the job of cleaning up the bourgeoisie and keeping people in a revolutionary state of mind.