Disappoint Quotes
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Judicial activists are nothing short of radicals in robes--contemptuous of the rule of law, subverting the Constitution at will, and using their public trust to impose their policy preferences on society. In fact, no radical political movement has been more effective in undermining our system of government than the judiciary. And with each Supreme Court term, we hold our collective breath hoping the justices will do no further damage, knowing full well they will disappoint. Such is the nature of judicial tyranny.
The last thing we want to do is disappoint the fans.
Do not EXPECT troubles as they have a tendency not to disappoint.
It is better to disappoint people with the truth than to appease them with a lie.
I can see you've formed a kind of bond here. And while that might give you some comfort, I promise you, it's temporary. They will disappoint you. They will not make you stronger. And if I might give you some advice, the more connections you have, the easier it will be to break you.
She couldn't disappoint the whole village. There were no wallscreens here, no newsfeeds or satellites bands, and touring soccer teams were no doubt few and far between. (...), that made stories a valuable commodity, and it probably wasn't very often that a stranger dropped in from the sky.
I'm always nervous before a job! I always think I'm going to be fired, I always think I can't do it. I always think I'm going to disappoint somebody, myself included.
If anything was, that the world will always--it can only--disappoint.
People look at you and me to see what they are supposed to be. And, if we don't disappoint them, maybe, just maybe, they won't disappoint us.
Venice, that capital city of dream and intrigue, that double city (one above and seemingly solid, one below, wavering and reflected in the waters), which never disappoints.
Was it possible in any relationship to not disappoint, to do anything more than only briefly rekindle the initial fatal illusion?
Sometimes, the people we invest the most time in disappoint us the most.
It was neither preaching nor praying that made a better man of me, but one or two people who believed in me better than I deserved, and I hated to disappoint them.
I have talked about choosing rather than acting from compulsion. When you feel that you have to live according to someone else's direction or live so that you never disappoint or hurt anybody, then your life is a continual assessment of whether or not you please other people.
I went to New York to be where the beautiful people were and it didn't disappoint me. It's so open. It's a great platform to do your own thing or start new things. When I got there, I started living for the first time.
God never disappoints anyone who places his trust in Him.
But you're disappointed." He brushed a strand of hair from her face. "It's not possible for you to disappoint me.
Altruism is for those who can't endure their desires. There's a world as ambiguous as a moan, a pleasure moan our earnest neighbors might think a crime. It's where we could live. I'll say I love you, Which will lead, of course, to disappointment, but those words unsaid poison every next moment. I will try to disappoint you better than anyone else has. --Mon Semblable
Love God and He will enable you to love others even when they disappoint you.
If while alive you hurt or disappoint people you love, there's no use continuing such behavior when you're dead.
Disappoint anyone… hell, disappoint everyone – but don’t ever disappoint yourself.
To find out that there is even one devoted fan who loves you, as a singer, without any condition, gives you tremendous amount of strength and courage. I work over and over again so I dont disappoint those people.
You stay loyal to what increasingly disappoints you. It happens all the time.