Drives Quotes
I wear tweed jackets and button-down shirts. I am a 1955 graduate of Harvard University who drives a 1968 Mercedes.
Mom-shaming drives me crazy.
I value humor, kindness, and the ability to tell a good story far more than money, status, or the kind of car someone drives.
We're targeting video professionals and specifically people who want size and speed, ... They're looking for flicker-free production, and prefer external drives for flexibility.
There would be no exclusive collective or one-closed-shop bargaining, we told them. They could have membership drives on site, but we did not agree to automatically deduct membership dues from all our staff, even those who did not wish to be members.
Not doubt, certainty is what drives one insane.
It is not doubt,is certitude that drives you mad.
Capitalism drives the employers to do their worst to the employed, and the employed to do the least for them. And it boasts all the time of the incentive it provides to both to do their best! . . . The reason the Capitalist system has worked so far without jamming for more than a few months at a time, and then only in places, is that it has not yet succeeded in making a conquest of human nature so complete that everybody acts on strictly business principles.
Passion is what drives me forward. Passion is what makes me go to bed at 2am and wake up at 6am.
A civilization which leaves so large a number of its participants unsatisfied and drives them into revolt neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence.
When my wife drives, there's always trouble. The other day she took the car. She came home. She told me, There's water in the carburetor. I asked her, Where's the car? She said, In a lake.
But there are wanderers o'er Eternity Whose bark drives on and on, and anchor'd ne'er shall be.
I just enjoy the sound as I hear it in everything around me. The high and low frequencies of sound bewitch me. Whether I am in a shop, in the bathroom or listening to noise that my fans make... everything is music to my ears and drives me. I just put all these things in rhythm when I'm playing.
I'm not very good at resting on my laurels. I am a bit of a workaholic, and I like to keep busy and active, so I think that's what drives me.
What drives intellectuals and professors crazy is somebody with a high school diploma who made a fortune in business. They agree with Lenin, who thought success in business was a matter of luck, when in reality it is a matter of genius.
Inspiration drives us to be more than we are by allowing us to see all that we could be.
A poet is not an apostle; he drives out devils only by the power of the devil.
The mystical journey drives us into ourselves, to a sacred flame at our center.
Men never do good unless necessity drives them to it; but when they are free to choose and can do just as they please, confusion and disorder become rampant.
It's not rage that drives me, it's competition.
I have stopped finding fault with creation and have learned to accept it. We have some power in us that knows its own ends. It is that which drives us on to what we must finally become… This is the true meaning of transformation. This is the real metamorphosis.
In newspaper-land a dull lie is seldom detected, but an interesting exaggeration drives an unimaginative rival to hysterical denunciations.
The car drives really really good so far. No changes on the next pit stop. It's great, I can hold it down right along the bottom here in the corners I'm just ridin' around out here just waiting until later to make a move
Blessed be the man whose work drives him. Something must drive men; and if it is wholesome industry, they have no time for a thousand torments and temptations.