Animals Quotes
Plants, again, inasmuch as they are without locomotion, present no great variety in their heterogeneous pacts. For, when the functions are but few, few also are the organs required to effect them. ... Animals, however, that not only live but perceive, present a great multiformity of pacts, and this diversity is greater in some animals than in others, being most varied in those to whose share has fallen not mere life but life of high degree. Now such an animal is man.
Aristotle -
That wild animals have largely moved out of our view is of small note to many of us. We think, abstractly, that they live out there somewhere, browsing or flying or killing or doing whatever it is they do, and we think that we are keeping them among us by the sheer force of our desire, even as we consume, insatiably, the places where they live.
Ellen Meloy
If you're going to make a lot of films about a particular group of animals, you might as well pick one that's fairly common. And octopus are: they live in all the oceans. They also live deep. And I can't say octopus are responsible for my really strong interest in getting in subs and going deep, but whatever the case, I like that.
Mike deGruy -
I really don't think I could consent to go to Heaven if I thought there were no animals there.
George Bernard Shaw -
I am for the animals, I couldn't care less about your need to eat animals, wear them, shoot them or exploit them. Too bad if you consider it suffering to let all that self-centered and traditional bullshit stop you from having the will to help the animals.
Rikki Rockett Poison -
The line we draw between animals that are socially acceptable and those we find repugnant can be awfully arbitrary.
Alexandra Harney -
Living in four parks in the state of Assam. A hundred years ago, in Africa, the population of black rhinos approached a million; it has since been reduced to around five thousand animals.
Elizabeth Kolbert -
A theology which is not based on revelation as a given reality but treats God as an idea would be as mad as a zoology which is no longer sure of the physical, tangible existence of animals.
Hannah Arendt
The brain of man, like that of all animals is double, being parted down its centre by a thin membrane. For this reason pain is not always felt in the same part of the head, but sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other, and occasionally all over.
Hippocrates -
The point to be grasped from the saintly tradition is that to love animals is not sentimentality (as we know it) but true spirituality. Of course there can be vain, self-seeking loving, but to go (sometimes literally) out of our way to help animals, to expend effort to secure their protection and to feel with them their suffering and to be moved by it-these are surely signs of spiritual greatness.
Andrew Linzey -
I think there is a classy way to go about changing people's views about how they treat animals, and that is with compassion, strategic moves, and passing laws to protect animals, not throwing paint and flour on people. That only turns them away from your whole purpose of helping those without a voice.
Katie Cleary -
Animals are God's creatures, not human property, nor utilities, nor resources, nor commodities, but precious beings in God's sight. ...Christians whose eyes are fixed on the awfulness of crucifixion are in a special position to understand the awfulness of innocent suffering. The Cross of Christ is God's absolute identification with the weak, the powerless, and the vulnerable, but most of all with unprotected, undefended, innocent suffering.
Andrew Linzey -
One has to give a great deal of oneself to animals if one is to get the best out of them.
Barbara Woodhouse -
Trees are tight Animals too I like the earth How about you
Colton Dunn
If tomorrow we decided only to desist from killing and causing suffering for sport and entertainment, the world would be significantly better for animals. Even this we have failed to achieve.
Andrew Linzey -
I believe that animals have been talking to human beings ever since we were all made and put into this world.
Barbara Woodhouse -
We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
Immanuel Kant -
Today, amphibians enjoy the dubious distinction of being the world’s most endangered class of animals; it’s been calculated that the group’s extinction rate could be as much as forty-five thousand times higher than the background rate.
Elizabeth Kolbert -
I fear theology is--in the words attributed to William Temple--"still in its infancy" when it comes to animals.
Andrew Linzey -
The reality is that the nationalist community in Northern Ireland were treated almost like animals by the unionist community. They were not treated like human beings. It was like the Nazis treatment of the Jews.
Alec Reid
Well, it's a lot less dangerous - working with snakes and mountaibn lions and dangerous animals - than working in Hollywood laughs. Hollwood will kill you.
Bernie Krause -
I have exposed myself and am not ashamed to stand there naked. "Shame" is what we call the monster that attached itself to men when they aspired beyond the animals.
Friedrich Nietzsche -
Although other animals cannot reason nor speak the way humans do, this does not give us the right to do with them as we like. Even though our supposed possession of a soul and superior intelligence are used to create an arbitrary dividing line over rights, the fact remains that all animals have the capacity to experience pain and suffering, and in suffering they are our equals.
Nathaniel Altman -
Millions of centuries of voyaging via animals, water, and wind brought my snail's family to colonize the woods near where I was staying. It was by chance that my snail's path had intersected with a human trail, just as a friend - the sort of friend who stopped for a snail - was passing by. The history of gastropod travel now included the unexpected journey of my own snail, which had arrived at my bedside by human transport.
Elisabeth Tova Bailey