Uniforms Quotes
I believe in a uniform for work, but why, because we're men, do we have to be ghettoised into grey suits?
Stuart Rose
The real trouble with the writing game is that no general rule can be worked out for uniform guidance, and this applies to sales as well as to writing.
Erle Stanley Gardner
When I put on my uniform, I feel I am the proudest man on earth.
Roberto Clemente
Now, I can smile at the stock quality of these friends, these uniforms, these looking-glasses, these sharers. Each is a character lifted straight from literature and yet, life successfully aping art, they are alive, and fulfil their destinies - or act their parts - flawlessly.
Hal Porter
We hated the Giants. We just hated the uniform.
Carl Furillo
Like most markets, Da Jing is most alive just after dawn, when the elementary-school children in their uniforms and bright red kerchiefs set off through narrow streets, marking the start of another frenzied day of commerce.
Evan Osnos