Dragon Quotes
Anyone can slay a dragon, he told me, but try waking up every morning and loving the world all over again. That's what takes a real hero.
Brian Andreas
If a man wishes to become a hero, then the serpent must first become a dragon: otherwise he lacks his proper enemy.
Friedrich Nietzsche
I'm still a small shrimp, not a dragon.
Barry Lam
Quickly, the dragon came at him, encouraged As Beowulf fell back; its breath flared, And he suffered, wrapped around in swirling Flames -- a king, before, but now A beaten warrior. None of his comrades Came to him, helped him, his brave and noble Followers; they ran for their lives, fled Deep in a wood. And only one of them Remained, stood there, miserable, remembering, As a good man must, what kinship should mean.
Burton Raffel
I love 'Enter the Dragon,' and I love Japanese movies. I love Jackie Chan movies; they are my heroes.
The serpent if it wants to become the dragon must eat itself.
Francis Bacon
How could such a large door be kept secret from everybody outside, apart from the dragon?" Bilbo asked. He was only a little hobbit you must remember.
J. R. R. Tolkien
GO FOR HIS EYES! OR BITE HIM ON THE NOSE! DRAGON NOSES ARE VERY SENSITIVE!" Oh, very helpful, Camicazi, very helpful...thought Hiccup. What if he doesn't obligingly hold me up to his nose? What if the only part I get close to is the TEETH?
Cressida Cowell
Speak politely to an enraged dragon.
J. R. R. Tolkien
If you have ever seen a dragon in a pinch, you will realize that this was only poetical exaggeration applied to any hobbit, even to Old Took's great-granduncle Bullroarer, who was so huge (for a hobbit) that he could ride a horse. He charged the ranks of the goblins of Mount Gram in the Battle of the Green Fields, and knocked their king Golfibul's head clean off with a wooden club. It sailed a hundred yards through the air and went down a rabbit-hole, and in this way the battle was won and the game of Golf was invented at the same moment.
J. R. R. Tolkien
One nip from a dragon and you're down? Get up, you craven school (boy/girl)!
Secret Instructions for Reaching Xanadu: Go eastward from the Bewildered-Dragon Lake Until you see the Monastery of the West Tower straight and high above your head. Then take Those charms which, as I told you, in the breast Of your most inner robe you have hidden, and follow Their clear instruction.
Arthur Davison Ficke