Acidification Quotes
One will not deny me, I trust, all the theory of oxidation and combustion, the analysis and decomposition of air by metals and combustible bodies, the theory of acidification, more precise knowledge on the nature of a great numbers of acids, notably.
WHY is ocean acidification so dangerous? The question is tough to answer only because the list of reasons is so long. Depending on how tightly organisms are able to regulate their internal chemistry, acidification may affect such basic processes as metabolism, enzyme activity, and protein function. Because it will.
There are ecosystems like coral reefs at risk through ocean acidification. Those are valuable things that we should protect.
A group of scientists led by Bärbel Hönisch, of Columbia’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, recently reviewed the evidence for changing CO2 levels in the geologic past and concluded that, although there are several severe episodes of ocean acidification in the record, “no past event perfectly parallels” what is happening right now, owing to “the unprecedented rapidity of CO2 release currently taking place.” It turns out there just aren’t many ways to inject billions of tons of carbon into the air very quickly.