Trailers Quotes
They tried to sell the movie by its story. All the TV spots and trailers were story-driven, because many people still think musicals don't have serious plots.
Like every other rich asshole, I have a cook and he's in my trailer making food all the time.
I find making trailers really frustrating, because sometimes the worst trailers are for the best movies.
I was spending a lot of time in trailers, you know, on film sets surrounded by film people.
The last thing you would want is to have people housed in shelters, or later in trailers and mobile homes that would be the first things you have to evacuate in the event of another hurricane
I had a friend who got pregnant at age 14 and wasn't quite sure who the father was. Her paternity test went a little something like this: “If it comes out black, its Darwin's and if it comes out white its Ray's.” This is how things were done in the trailer park.
And there's so much extra material. I mean, I've certainly read as you asked about do I read reviews and stuff, like people are like none of the jokes in the trailers are like in the movie. And it's like and we have whole sequences and scenes that weren't in the movie.
I just thank God I don't live in a trailer.
When you have all the bells and whistles - you've got the big, fancy catering, you've got the big, fancy car service and the big, fancy trailer - it makes it very comfortable and everybody's making a lot of money. But that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to end up with a great film.
It was an amazing performer. Very temperamental, it spent a lot of time in its trailer.
At the end of the day, what actors really want to do is act a lot and not wait around in the trailer.
I had a sense that my mother was struggling, when I was a kid, working twelve hour days, making $12,000 a year with two kids in a trailer park.
If people don't like the trailer, then blame it on the people who made the trailer.