Menace Quotes
Since I do not forsee that atomic energy is to be a great boon for a long time, I have to say that for the present it is a menace. Perhaps it is well that it should be. It may intimidate the human race into bringing order into its international affairs, which, without the presence of fear, it would not do.
I love inventing interesting people and then pushing them to their absolute limits - and usually those absolute limits involve homicidal faeries, werewolves, or some other paranormal menace.
Those who have not, and live in want, are a menace, Ridden with envy and fooled by demagogues.
The hospital that feeds you refined sugar, white bread, canned soup, bouillon cubes, and frozen vegetables should be closed by the health department as a menace to the public health.
Coming down off the trail, I am lost in my own thoughts and unprepared when a bear chugs across the path just before it gives out on the gravel road. I am so distracted that I keep walking towards the bear. I only stop when it rears, stands on hind legs, and stares at me, sensitive nose pressed into the air, weak eyes searching. I have never been this close to a wild bear before, but I am not frightened. There is no menace in its stance; it is not even curious. The bear seems to know who or what I am. The bear is not impressed.
Some people have youth, some have beauty – I have menace.
The city has become a serious menace to our civilization It has a peculiar attraction for the immigrant.
Violent means will give violent swaraj. That would be a menace to the world and to India herself.
I think we have to safeguard ourselves against people who are a menace to others, quite apart from what may have motivated their deeds.
The industry is a menace to artists.
Educating people beyond their intellectual means is a disservice to humanity. A clueless person who knows little is a nuisance; a clueless person who knows a lot is a menace.
The former allies have blundered in the past by offering Germany too little, and offering even that too late, until finally Nazi Germany had become a menace to all mankind.”
The greatest menace in this country is not the bootlegger, but the college professor who rejects the Bible and undermines the faith of the young.
A fashion plate, a rock star in his own mind, Megamind is more showman than deadly menace.
The greatest menace to the world today is the growing, exploiting, irresponsible imperialism.
Is there a phrase in the English language more fraught with menace than a tax audit?
No doubt concentration camps were a means, a menace used to keep order.
November at its best - with a sort of delightful menace in the air.
Without perestroika, the cold war simply would not have ended. But the world could not continue developing as it had, with the stark menace of nuclear war ever present.
The greatest asset of any nation is the spirit of its people, and the greatest danger that can menace any nation is the breakdown of that spirit-the will to win and the courage to work.