Agenda Quotes
When we're always connected, we allow others-colleagu es and celebrities, close friends and distant acquaintances, bloggers and news aggregators-set our life's agenda. Our ability to prioritize is paralyzed by the sheer volume of requests, demands, opportunities, and information.
We all should know what the Right's agenda is here: privatize education, kill public schools, and transfer the teaching of the young to private entities.
We all need time to enjoy being alive without an agenda of getting something done.
Enter any moment devoid of agenda, with an absence of posturing, and with your only intention being to send love to everyone you meet or even think of... Happiness, miracles and inner peace will follow.
Our agenda, by necessity, is as complex and encompassing as the problems we face: beware of politicians promising simple solutions.
A President doesn't have a terribly long time to talk to people who are not really on the agenda.
The needlework of lies and rumors seeks to distract peoples attention from the daily business of governance under the Presidents leadership. Those who continually plot for the Presidents downfall will never succeed because she is a hard-working President with no other agenda than to promote our peoples welfare.
The Truth is the only thing you’ll ever run into that has no agenda.
The tea party had a lot of nasty tactics that were needlessly aggressive and petty and scary. But they proved it is indeed possible for a committed, relatively small number of folks across the country to make Congress listen to them and to slow and stop an agenda.
Our number one agenda is to get money out of politics, to drain the swamp, but not in the way that Trump said. He stacked his cabinet full of Goldman Sachs guys.
If you're black and you oppose a progressive agenda, and you're pro life, and you're pro family, then they do not even know what to call you. You end up on some watch list for extremists.
The United States should pursue a more robust agenda for U.S. competitiveness and innovation focused on a lower-carbon economy, including investments in education, basic research and development, infrastructure, retraining, retirement security, and universal health care.
From his first hours as pope, Francis has re-enacted or spoken of the great pastoral transformation of Vatican II as his own agenda.
Who approaches collaboration with agenda in terms of content? The agenda is only in terms of process, which is generosity, listening, careful thinking.
I have no agenda. I know what I love to do and that's my religion. That's what I recommend to everybody. I did not invent that very ancient idea: "Do what you love and you will never work in your life." It's the pure truth. I think it's also the goal of human existence to accumulate as much of that feeling as possible. You can find that concept in anywhere from yoga to Bible.
Nobody in this town writes dialogue that bad on purpose. Not unless they've got a hidden agenda…or maybe a contract with Universal.
I'm not a policymaker, I'm not a pundit. In fact, I don't have any interest in it. It's not on my agenda.
Not that they were there to have fun—although with Kingsley Martin around, fun was never far from the agenda.
Now more than ever, America needs an agenda for real change.
At the end of the day, I'd much rather do a piece about people in a story that I find riveting and intriguing and moving, versus really carrying some kind of heavy political agenda on my sleeve. That's not who I am.
The heart which has no agenda but God's is the heart at leisure from itself. Its emptiness is filled with the Love of God. Its solitude can be turned into prayer.
We need a positive economic agenda that invests in the innovation and growth that will create jobs for middle class families and ensure that America remains the world leader.
The Republicans may be better off without an agenda. They don't scare people.
There is a huge agenda behind trying to destroy me and put me down.