Grandeur Quotes
Be humble because until the sun with all its grandeur, let the moon shine.
Nature conceals her mystery by her essential grandeur.
The grandeur of Jerusalem is also... its problem.
Riches have wings, and grandeur is a dream.
The point is not to completely understand God but to worship Him. Let the very fact that you cannot know Him fully lead you to praise Him for His infiniteness and grandeur.
Lovers and mystics are familiar with this sense of grandeur, this taste of joy - in abandoning oneself to the will of others.
Continuous eloquence wearies. Grandeur must be abandoned to be appreciated. Continuity in everything is unpleasant. Cold is agreeable, that we may get warm.
The United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily.
The Universe revealed by science is one of far more awesome grandeur than any religion has ever posited.
If one wishes to form a true estimate of the full grandeur of religion, one must keep in mind what it undertakes to do for men. It gives them information about the source and origin of the universe, it assures them of protection and final happiness, and it guides - by - precepts - backed by the full force of its authority.
Joy and amazement of the beauty and grandeur of this world of which man can just form a faint notion.
Man's grandeur is that he knows himself to be miserable.
Linear time has one claim to grandeur: it is the tragic aspect of Time
Who is this that comes in grandeur, coming from the blazing East? This is he we had not thought of, this is he the airy Christ.
More clearly than almost any other statesman he beheld the grandeur of the nation loom up, vast and shadowy, through the coming years.
The world is charged with the grandeur of God.
All thouhgts of grandeur were delusions...until one made them real.
Define your times. Treasure your calling. Pray without ceasing. The terrors of the age are less than the grandeur of the Christ within you.
The ability to choose is at the essential core of our grandeur. Even evil exists because God respects our ability to choose.
And such too is the grandeur of the dooms We have imagined for the mighty dead.
It’s good to be vulnerable in amongst the grandeur; you shouldn’t lose that sense of intimacy and vulnerability with people.
You know what grandeur is? It's awesome.
My concern is less the monarchy as such than the attempt of a fading colonial power to hang onto grandeur.
The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil; It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil Crushed.