Indolence Quotes
I suppose that there is no point wasting time being lazy, though of course indolence in a divine way, actually has its advantages.
I have not drawn a very rosy picture of the magician. I did not intend to do so. To the novice entering the life and promising himself ease, indolence, and wealth, I should say, Don't!
We grow old more through indolence, than through age.
Wealth and poverty; one is the parent of luxury and indolence, and the other of meanness and viciousness, and both of discontent.
The want of occupation is no less the plague of society than of solitude.
Indolence is a delightful but distressing state; we must be doing something to be happy.
Indolence is stagnation; employment is life.
It takes character to withstand the rigours of indolence.
It should seem that indolence itself would incline a person to be honest, as it requires infinitely greater pains and contrivance to be a knave.
Comfort and indolence are cronies.
Flee sloth; for the indolence of the soul is the decay of the body.
Other men have acquired fame by industry, but this man by indolence.