Enslaved Quotes
For no sooner had I begun to read this great work Frasier, The Golden Bough , than I became immersed in it and enslaved by it. I realized then that anthropology, as presented by Sir James Frazer, is a great science, worthy of as much devotion as any of her elder and more exact sister studies, and I became bound to the service of Frazerian anthropology.
James G. Frazer
Neither should men study war with a view to the enslavement of those who do not deserve to be enslaved; but first of all they should provide against their own enslavement, and in the second place obtain empire for the good of the governed, and not for the sake of exercising a general despotism, and in the third place they should seek to be masters only over those who deserve to be slaves.
As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Poor and free rather than rich and enslaved. Of course, men want to be both rich and free, and this is what leads them at times to be poor and enslaved.
Albert Camus
In truth , mankind cannot be saved from without, by schoolmasters or any other sort of masters: it can only be lamed and enslaved by them. It is said that if you wash a cat it will never again wash itself. This may or may not be true : what is certain is that if you teach a man anything he will never learn it; and if you cure him of a disease he will be unable to cure himself the next time it attacks him.
George Bernard Shaw
As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The conquer'd, also, and enslaved by war, Shall, with their freedom lost, all virtue lose.
John Milton
I could not lead a happy, peaceful life when the working population was so terribly enslaved.
Alexandra Kollontai
While it is true that an inherently free and scrupulous person may be destroyed, such an individual can never be enslaved or used as a blind tool.
Albert Einstein
Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of love, and of thought, which, in the coarse or centuries, have enabled man to be less enslaved.
Andre Malraux
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth ever afterward resumes its liberty.
Walt Whitman
A lot of enslaved people actually made money, but they had no power.
William C. Rhoden