Necessities Quotes
Give me the luxuries and I can dispense with the necessities.
We live in an age when unnecessary things are our only necessities.
God, bless me with luxury. Necessities I can do without.
People buy their necessities in shops and have to pay dearly for them because they have to assist in paying for what is also on sale there but only rarely finds purchasers: the luxury and amusement goods. So it is that luxury continually imposes a tax on the simple people who have to do without it.
O America, how you've taken necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.
The state of life is most happy where superfluities are not required and necessities are not wanting.
Somehow we are going to have to develop a concept of enough for those at the top and at the bottom so that the necessities of the many are not sacrificed for the luxuries of the few.
When we turn luxuries into necessities, we jeopardize our ability for contentedness.
Now property is part of a household, and the acquisition of property part of household-management; for neither life itself nor the good life is possible without a certain minimum supply of the necessities.
In work we act under the predominant motive of external, rational necessities; in pleasure, under the predominant motive of other, equally general necessities of human nature. Rest or recreation is the element in which the personality seeks to renew its strength from these stimuli that exhaust the reserve of human resources. It's an element introduced into life by the person himself.
Our necessities are few, but our wants are endless.
Most software has a tiny essence that justifies its existence, everything after that is wants and desires mistaken for needs and necessities.
It is not music's function to express rational necessities.
Necessities can be many, but the one that is stronger is that which constrains you to win or to die.