Reincarnation Quotes
If you want to believe in reincarnation, you have to believe that this life, what you're living through right now, is the afterlife. You're missing out on the afterlife you looked forward to in your last existence by worrying about your next life. This is what happens after you die. Take a look.
And then we end up in this hospital somewhere really awkward and this woman gives birth to a newborn child and the child is carried out with this blanket that's red, ... So it's like life. So it starts with death and it ends with life. And the soul travels through three different beings a bird, a girl and a newborn baby. So it's kind of my interpretation of reincarnation.
You know what your problem is, it's that you haven't seen enough movies - all of life's riddles are answered in the movies.
In an age of synthetic images and synthetic emotions, the chances of an accidental encounter with reality are remote indeed.
This doctrine of transmigration or reincarnation of the soul is found among many tribes of savages.
I suppose you do think about the time that's allotted to you more than when you were younger. The mortality thing obviously has a stronger pull for you. It's an imminent truth; it's not necessarily a bad thing. You realize - much earlier than my age now - that you won't be able to play for England's football team, just to take a really crass example. So you can't have that life again. Unless you believe in reincarnation or whatever. Reincarnation? That's a whole other question. I find people who talk about that sort of thing in interviews idiotic. And I don't want to go down with them.
I am the reincarnation of Pikachu. That's why my hair is yellow, you see.
If there is reincarnation, I would like to be born as Sonu Niigaam.
The ancient feud between cat and dog is not forgotten in the north, for the Lynx is the deadly foe of the Fox and habitually kills it when there is soft snow and scarcity of easier prey.
The witches are firm believers in reincarnation, and they say that 'once a witch always a witch.'
Theosophy was both a philosophy and a religion, preaching the doctrine of reincarnation as well as spiritual evolution.
As years go by, chances of winning here are getting slimmer. That's just a matter of fact. It does get tougher, but it's possible, there's a tiny little chance.
When people ask me how is it I was a musician, I facetiously say that I'm a firm believer in reincarnation and in a previous life I was Johann Sebastian Bach's guide dog.
Our bodies are the texts that carry the memories and therefore remembering is no less than reincarnation.
Do people who believe in reincarnation ever say, Darn, I'm still writing the year 1612 on my checks!
A belief in reincarnation would at least give us some slack; we would have many lifetimes to get it right.
Although I believe in reincarnation, as many people do that live in the East, I do not remember my past lives clearly; I only wish I did.
A study of family portraits is enough to convert a man to the theory of reincarnation.
I cannot think of permanent enmity between man and man, and believing as I do in the theory of reincarnation, I live in the hope that if not in this birth, in some other birth I shall be able to hug all of humanity in friendly embrace.
Reincarnation is implicit in the manifested universe and is a basic and fundamental.
Children who remember their past lives offer the most compelling evidence yet for reincarnation.
I am a firm believer in reincarnation for people who either have more work to do or have so much debt to pay back that they have to be here.
I'm very surprised at that, yes, because there were many chances for it to be in Germany once the syndication market started and it continually just did not happen.
When you hear that my body has ceased to exist, please do not feel sad. Just look deeply and see that my life and work continue in so many friends, so many young people, in their own ways and through their work. I will continue in everyone and everything I have ever touched. I have nothinng to fear and nothing to regret.